for me all lvxs
Then don't even post anything in the first place, for it is considered to be spam. Thanks.capt.penguin said:I wont list what I want its bad luck
secretsof2113 said:Still working on trying to get ahold of two Glaceon Lv. X, and one regular Glaceon. I managed to pull 2 Garchomp Lv. X this weekend, and needed one, so that worked, and got Porygon Z as well. I'm still hoping to get:
2 Vaporeon
Xx Call for Family Eevee
Xx new Warp Point!
2 Aerodactyl
1 Phione (evo wish)
Otherwise, I'm pretty much set on this set. I'm getting a box this weekend, and a half box next weekend. So I hope to pull everything I need then!