pokemon 20
carracosta x3
Tirtouga x4
reuniclus x2
duosion x2
solosis x3
zekrom x2
reshiram x2
cleffa x2
trainers 27
cover fossil x4
collector x3
junk arm x4
twins x2
research record x4
pont x4
communication x3
switch x1
N x2
energy 13
dce x4
water x9
strategie is to set carracosta as fast as possible and holding him alive with reuniclus to move his dmg to zekrom or reshiram.using reasearch record can help to put a tirtouga under your deck and use cover fossil then.i am sure i wont get the first kill so i putted some twins in to get my cards out switch i for carracosta becaus his great retreat.
i em considering of putting rainbow energy in to use zekrom or reshiram second attack but i am not sure pleas rate my deck
carracosta x3
Tirtouga x4
reuniclus x2
duosion x2
solosis x3
zekrom x2
reshiram x2
cleffa x2
trainers 27
cover fossil x4
collector x3
junk arm x4
twins x2
research record x4
pont x4
communication x3
switch x1
N x2
energy 13
dce x4
water x9
strategie is to set carracosta as fast as possible and holding him alive with reuniclus to move his dmg to zekrom or reshiram.using reasearch record can help to put a tirtouga under your deck and use cover fossil then.i am sure i wont get the first kill so i putted some twins in to get my cards out switch i for carracosta becaus his great retreat.
i em considering of putting rainbow energy in to use zekrom or reshiram second attack but i am not sure pleas rate my deck