Castform Sunny Form from “Paradise Dragona!”

It’s decent energy insurance. 70hp makes it searchable with Poffin. Attach an energy manually when it’s on the bench and your opponent won’t care.

Attach another with Mela (assuming one of your Pokémon was knocked out last turn) if it’s in the active, draw 6, use the second attack, and now one of your other benched Pokémon gets two free energy attachments. As a chump blocker it works well with cards that give you an advantage for being behind on prizes, like counter catcher.

It’s a classic red card and the artwork is amazing. No complaints here.
The kid named boss's orders
Lazy card design.

They should make smaller sets and fill them with playable cards instead of gigantic sets with a bunch of useless filler.

Players and collectors would benefit from this a lot
The set has 64 card. you consider that big? And I believe you came to the wrong realm when you only want meta cards.
The Sunny Castform is my favorite form, and I just adore both of these so much! The hand-drawn art of the regular print is so gorgeous! :)
Just out of curiosity and not to be rude or anything: what do people mean when they say hand drawn? I see that a lot in comments and hear it a lot in videos. Like almost everything is hand drawn. There is a difference between traditional art and digital art, yes. This one is clearly the latter.
Just out of curiosity and not to be rude or anything: what do people mean when they say hand drawn? I see that a lot in comments and hear it a lot in videos. Like almost everything is hand drawn. There is a difference between traditional art and digital art, yes. This one is clearly the latter.
They are referring to anything that isn't merely a posed 3D render.
The set has 64 card. you consider that big? And I believe you came to the wrong realm when you only want meta cards.
Tcg set will be like 200 cards. That's not small, japan gets too many filler cards.

And being meta =\= from being playable. This card is fuckn useless
I adore how the IR features every form and love that it defies Dexit, but osare's style is quickly becoming one of my favorite art styles to see on a card.
Tcg set will be like 200 cards. That's not small, japan gets too many filler cards.

And being meta =\= from being playable. This card is fuckn useless
It's a common card meant to teach new players the value of a free retreat cost/conserving attached energy.

That aside, this card is just a moderately worse Morpeko, which is an alright card. It trades 20 damage for a permanent 0 retreat cost, less strict attack cost and its first attack. It isn't meta, and it isn't good, but to call it unplayable is silly hyperbole
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