RE: CATBUS [H]: BTET Hippowdon & Alakazam Lv X, Cut/Spin Rotom, Pikachu, Need Uxie Lv X
Well, from your wants, I'm sure I have:
Meganium HOLO UF
Rayquaza LA (holo)
Torterra X DP
I also have Septile/Treecko ex Emerald (Non-RH, please), lots of GC and case you're interested in pikachus, rotoms, etc.
EspeonROX said:Have: Roseanne's Research x2
Dawn Stadium
Moonlight Stadium
Mew ex HP (hard to get off me)
I want:
Anything you have on my Wants list, ESPECIALLY UF holos...
Blaziken EM holo, (for my non-holo, I'll add more)
Groudon LA, (for my RH)
Rayquaza LA, holo please
Well, from your wants, I'm sure I have:
Meganium HOLO UF
Rayquaza LA (holo)
Torterra X DP
I also have Septile/Treecko ex Emerald (Non-RH, please), lots of GC and case you're interested in pikachus, rotoms, etc.