RE: * CATBUS * [W]: RH Roseanne's Research [H] New Pokemon Figures! Spare Flygon X
PokeKid Brandon said:
I could only get packs at $4 Dollars at my league so that is the price that I can do If I am getting packs. I could throw in the palkia with packs or money if you are intreasted in them.
I usually buy packs in boxes, where you get 32 for $80, or $2.5 each. I guess I might sell the playmat for $45 shipped if you want to send cash, no looking to set up for paypal ATM.
SotH said:
I have:
x1 Nidoqueen RR RH
x1 Nidoking RR RH
x1 Trapinch RR RH
xX Foil Lightning Energy (HP, PK)
x1 Kecleon RR RH
I want:
x1 Cresselia
x1 Garchomp
x1 Rampardos
x1 Skymin Bandai Toy
x1 Shaymin Sky Forme
Or CML. Thanks.
I have 1 Skymin figure left worth about $15 shipped as it's one of the larger ones and can't get anymore. How many foil energies do you have? The other cards seem to be about this value:
x1 Nidoqueen RR RH $2
x1 Nidoking RR RH $3
x1 Trapinch RR RH $1
xX Foil Lightning Energy (HP, PK)
x1 Kecleon RR RH $2
$8 plus value of foils.
LMK if you have more to add for the figure. I added some more wants, mostly RH (call energies, night maintenance, switches, etc.)
Ampha-pwn77 said:
I PMd you about a possible trade! : D
Sorry, trade DID go through before I got your message. I will try to get another Gallade X and if so, you will have 1st shot at it.
team overdose said:
well see id do that but I don't wanna pay $35 for cards I wont be able to use
And yet you keep asking for mine knowing that's what I'm trading/selling it for...curious.
qnetykz said:
I'd be willing to do this:
Dialga G Lv. X
Dialga G (PT) x2 (RH)
Nidorino (RR) x2 (RH)
Flygon Lv. X
No thank you. Got another Dialga G coming in on a trade and would rather have the Flygons at this point.
julian99janssen said:
How much USD for Pulse of the Frontier Theme Deck? Will pay 15 USD if that,s good
Sorry, they sell/trade at $35 each, including shipping.
team overdose said:
I don't mean off my list tell me what it would take and ill go get it
$35 value or USD
Full Moon said:
How about: My
Nidoqueen line (nidoqueen RH)
Floatzel GL
for your Cresselia figure and Bastiodon figure.
or LMK if we can work out a deal
IS the Nidoqueen line all RH?
SotS said:
Can you please CML for 1 of your Uxie X. =3 I have a Floatzel GL, and other RR not listed. Just LMK if you want anything you may have not listed. =p
OK, will do, although my want list is pretty long and accurate...did you check that?