Celebi Prime/Tornadus/Mewtwo-EX Discussion Thread

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XIIISkies said:
Smeargle. Yes? No?

The extra supporter during clutch moments seems too good to pass up, but would adding in Smeargles ruin consistency?

I like it because it is searchable draw that's not Cleffa.
Card Slinger J said:
If they're playing Juniper then yes...

That still would add consistency, as you are still drawing cards to get what you need. If you didn't need a certain card, you wouldn't be using Portrait. The downside of Portrait is like you said, you can sometimes be forced to get rid of cards you would have liked to keep due to a Juniper off a Portrait. If you know they are playing Juniper, I suggest using up your hand before Portaiting.
I plan on running CMT at the upcoming Nationals and Battle Roads, but I need a lot of help.

Firstly, I just don't get why Tornadus is so good or which attack even makes it good, in any deck for that matter. I've never played against one so I haven't really seen it in action. Is it's purpose to move Energy to Mewtwo-EX (or Regigigas-EX)? Also, how many Tornadus would you run in CMT?

My biggest problem is with tech cards. There are just so many options for this deck. (Smeargle, Shaymin-EX, Shaymin UL, Regigigas-EX, Terrakion NV, Virizion NV, Cleffa, etc.) What are the best techs to use? I have all which I listed (except for Smeargle and Shaymin UL, but I can get them.) I also have a Gardevoir line, but that would be a whole other deck, right?

Lastly, are two Mewtwo-EX enough? I can't really afford a third...

Thanks for the answers! :)
I'm only playing two Mewtwo in my build and it is working pretty well. If you can only get two Mewtwo, you need to play at least 2 Revive. This will help you win Mewtwo wars. Tornadus is used for Hurricane. Consistently and easily hitting for 80 damage is really great. As for techs, I'd personally stick to two different back up attackers. Don't go over board, Mewtwo and Tornadus can usually get the job done. As for consistency techs, I would stick with 2 to 3 Smeargle. It isn't the most reliable card, but it is extremely effective when it works.
Most of the best CMT decklists run 3 Mewtwo to keep up with the Mewtwo Wars, that could very well all change upcoming set. What does CMT really gain from Dark Explorers? Tornadus EX which is more tailored to being it's own deck?
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