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Cerberus Unleashed - [Suicune, Entei, Raikou Legends] (Masters, Any Tournament)


Aspiring Trainer
New deck idea :)

Cerberus Unleashed

Pokemon (18)
1-1 x Suicune & Entei Legend
1-1 x Raikou & Suicune Legend
1-1 x Entei & Raikou Legend
2-2 x Bronzong (TR)
4 x Jirachi (LA)
4 x Sableye (SF)

Trainer/Supporter/Stadium (24)
2 x Bebe's Search
2 x Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 x Energy Exchanger
2 x Black Belt
3 x Interviewer's Questions
2 x Legend Box
2 x Pokegear 3.0
2 x Pokemon Collector
2 x Pokemon Communication
2 x Indigo Plateau
2 x Twins
1 x Luxury Ball

Energy (18)
2 x Double Colorless Energy - Special
4 x Fire Energy - Basic
4 x Lightning Energy - Basic
4 x Water Energy - Basic
2 x Rainbow Energy - Special
2 x Rescue Energy

Set up and pull Legends as quickly as possible using Jirachi, Bronzong, and Sableye (using Impersonate). Preferred start would be Jirachi or Sableye.
Interviewer's Questions and Energy Exchanger help me get the energies I need.
Indigo Plateau for some extra HP.
Black Belts for a bit of extra power if I'm losing (which might happen against Machamp decks :p)

I'm aware the deck is practically an auto-loss to Machamp but that doesn't bother me.

After testing it out in some solo games on Redshark I found that a lot of times I have at least one Legend on the bench with some energy by turn 2 or 3. Sometimes even turn 1 depending on my starting hand :)
Getting the Legends out isn't too much of a problem. The problem is I need to attach energies quicker.

Any comments/suggestions?

Thanks :)
Seems like an interesting idea, yet it would probably be a bit too slow.
Expert Belt is unnecessary, if you want more damage, put in some Black Belts.

Some possibilities:
-Pokegear 3.0 can help to make sure that you aren't wasting legend boxes, despite the fact that you are wasting a Pokegear. Can also help get legend pieces through fetching Bebe's Searches or indirectly so through Cyrus' Conspiracy.
-Luxury Ball: Why the heck not?
-Pokemon Collector would be good to have if you put the Jirachi in.
Nice. I tried the same idea, but in mine, I used all 3 legends and Jirachi LA to get the L-boxes.
I haven't played in a while, and IDK what Indigo plateau does, but I'd try Snowpoint temple, to tank those beauties up a lil' more. lol.
I like the idea of Pokegear. Could help speed things up a little.

Indigo Plateau is just a stadium that gives +30HP to Legends. Kinda like Snowpoint but a little better IMO.

Any other ideas that might speed things up?
Fear Machamp. They will get an easy win over you. Very very easy.

As for improvements;

I'd maybe put in a Dialga/Palkia Legend in place of the E-Belts. That way if one or two manage to get Knocked out, you can throw it up there and put two prizes back (Or save it for the last round of the match due to the new 30 minutes a match, use DPL the very last turn to put you in the lead).
Ya I've pretty much accepted the Machamp auto-loss :p
Besides there's only 1 or 2 players in my area who run that so I should be alright.
DPL isnt a bad idea but i'm going to have to play around with energies for that. maybe take out the rescues altogether and throw in 2 metal?
I wouldn't ditch the Rescues. If you know your active Legend is going down your next turn, you might as well attach a Rescue to get it back quickly. I would -2 Rainbow for +2 Special Metal (Since it can be used as a colorless if anything else for other Pokemon).
Ok so I updated my Decklist.
After testing it out in some solo games on Redshark I found that a lot of times I have at least one Legend on the bench with some energy by turn 2 or 3. Sometimes even turn 1 depending on my starting hand :)
Getting the Legends out isn't too much of a problem. The problem is I need to attack energies quicker.
Bump please.

So anybody have any suggestions for Faster ways to attach energy? That seems to be my biggest problem so far.
I run a legend deck similar to this, I rely on a jirachi start, jirachi just gets ko'd, search twins, use twins to get both pieces. also i just play 14 energy and energy exchangers to get what I need