Chandelure (Red Collection 36/66)

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Fixed the first post with the new translation. This thing would get wrecked by Absol Prime and Tyranitar Prime...
I know it would take a lot of time, but 2 Chandelure + Reuniculus + Dodrio could pass 6 damage counters + attack, what would mean 110 damage, burned, confused and your pokemon healed by 60. Hard to do, but I would like to try it :D
So, it turns out you actually move the 3 damage counters to one of your opponent's. OK, now that's actually decent! Played with Reinculus, you give the ability some solid potential. It also means that Chandelure can hit for 80 now, and that's not bad at all, especially with the double status. Man, it's good to see that it was all a mistranslation. Too bad it suffers against dark types like T-Tar.
According to this site's translation, you don't mvoe them, you just place them? Well either way, it will work wonders with Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND.
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