Chaotic goes too far with their gloating

It's not only in Wal-Mart. I saw it in Target as well. And what do you know?

They ran out of Neopet Cards...
I remember when I was a kid, (or maybe 'adolescent' is a better word?)-- Digimon came around, and used the tag line, "There's no 'Mon' like Digimon" or something like that. I was irate! I look back at that and realize I was being a little silly in my anger. It's just the silly United States marketing crew trying to be clever with the stuff they import.

In the end, it was interesting to see that Pokémon has 'come back' in the United States, while Digimon is still a thing of the past-- No matter how much they try to resurrect and reinvent the virtual pets that started that whole mess. :p

It sounds like Chaotic can't hold a candle to titans of the industry like Pokémon and Magic. I guess they're trying to play to some kind of little-kid snob-crowd? Who knows. What I do know is that Chaotic is everything that folks used to accuse Pokémon of being. It is a show made specifically to sell merchandise of some kind.
That was Fox being idiots, they're always like that.

In my view, Digimon Anime > Pokemon Anime. The games..not so much. Only the virtual pets are as good as the Pokemon games.

And yeah, that's exactly what Chaotic is. It's a card game based on a show.

Pokemon was a game from the very beginning.