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Standard Charging Seahorse


Aspiring Trainer
HI guys i was wondering if you had any recommendations for improving my Kingdra ex / magnezone deck

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon - 15

* 3 Kingdra-EX FAC 73
* 3 Magnemite BKT 51
* 2 Magneton BKT 53
* 2 Magnezone BKT 54
* 1 Glaceon-EX FAC 116
* 2 Remoraid BKT 31
* 2 Octillery BKT 33

##Trainer Cards - 30

* 2 Skyla BCR 134
* 3 Lysandre AOR 78
* 3 N FAC 105
* 4 Professor's Letter BKT 146
* 4 Ultra Ball FAC 113
* 2 Level Ball AOR 76
* 4 Energy Pouch FAC 97
* 2 Switch ROS 91
* 3 Professor Sycamore XY 122
* 3 VS Seeker PHF 109

##Energy - 15

* 2 Double Colorless Energy FAC 114
* 4 Water Energy Energy 3
* 9 Lightning Energy Energy 4

Total Cards - 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******
You may have an easier time using Raikou as an attacker than Kingdra, since the energy cost is a little friendlier. It lets you focus all your deck space on just Lightning energy that way. You could maybe play a Flash Energy or two if you're worried about Fighting weakness.

If you did go that route, you'd obviously need to drop Glaceon as well. Other attacker ideas would be Pikachu-EX, Jolteon-EX, or Snorlax-GX.

I'd also refocus on Fighting Fury Belt as your primary tool. It can help you hit numbers a little easier if you're missing an energy, and beefs up Raikou (or Kingdra) to be pretty formidable. The Energy Pouch is a nice idea, but you should be able to get by with 1 Pouch, and supplement that with a Fisherman.

I'd repurpose some of the space you have committed to Professor's Letter to an extra Sycamore & N. Your draw supporters & Octillery should be sufficient to get your energy going.

Good luck!
I have a friend who plays the nastiest Kindgra EX deck you've ever seen, that I think could even rival all of the most popular meta decks (if he would play more at larger tournaments :D) The main difference I know of between his list and yours, is consistency. You need to focus on getting turn two Magnezone, no matter what. So, based on my friend's deck, here's what I would do, IF you're not on a budget:
- 2-2 Octillery Line
-1 Glaceon EX
-1 Prof. Letter
-1 Energy Pouch
-2 DDE

+1 Lightning Energy
+2 Shaymin EX (to help get turn 2 Magnezone, and for early game speed)
+3 Trainer's Mail (to boost consistency)
+3 Rare Candy (Not sure why you don't run them)

These changes are meant to boost consistency, so you can get a turn 2 Magnezone and ideally OHKO almost anything you come across. This deck really can be amazing, you just need to have the right list (my friend's list is EXTREMELY tight). Hope this helps!
You may have an easier time using Raikou as an attacker than Kingdra, since the energy cost is a little friendlier. It lets you focus all your deck space on just Lightning energy that way. You could maybe play a Flash Energy or two if you're worried about Fighting weakness.

If you did go that route, you'd obviously need to drop Glaceon as well. Other attacker ideas would be Pikachu-EX, Jolteon-EX, or Snorlax-GX.

I'd also refocus on Fighting Fury Belt as your primary tool. It can help you hit numbers a little easier if you're missing an energy, and beefs up Raikou (or Kingdra) to be pretty formidable. The Energy Pouch is a nice idea, but you should be able to get by with 1 Pouch, and supplement that with a Fisherman.

I'd repurpose some of the space you have committed to Professor's Letter to an extra Sycamore & N. Your draw supporters & Octillery should be sufficient to get your energy going.

Good luck!

What he said. I tried *hard* to make a deck like this run. While the energy was never much of an issue (I just included a Smeargle to get that water energy out of the discard pile whenever needed), it was the slow setup that made this deck impossible to win consistently with. Even if you add Rare Candy to this deck (and you absolutely NEED Rare Candy in this deck), you still run into the dreaded Garbodor ability lock which is absolute murder to this deck. Sure, you can waste a turn using Lysandre to pull that trash can up and demolish him...as long as you have the 4 energy minimum necessary to one shot him up front. If you don't, then invariably, you hit for less than a KO, they retreat the trash can, and then bash you with whatever "hits for x additional damage for each energy on both pokemon" card of their choice.

I literally tried every variation I could come up with to make Kingdra EX work. My most successful (and it was FAR from successful) was combining Kindra EX with a Togekiss energy acceleration engine. It was great setting up that first one. Then it died. And I was toast. Same with Magnezone, but at least most people had no clue it was coming. Magnezone, they just garb or hex you, destroy the kingdra, then rinse and repeat.

By contrast, Raikou works because it only loses one prize card, only takes 3 energy to hit for 110, hits for weakness on Yveltel, and is a pretty beefy 120 HP (140 if no Garb) + 40 with a fighting fury belt. The main thing is the cheaper energy cost + 1 prize card trade though. You can set him up without Magnezone in a pinch. You really can't do that with Kindra EX.

I don't want to trash the deck because I absolutely LOVE the Kindra EX card. It simply doesn't work in the current meta.
I have a friend who plays the nastiest Kindgra EX deck you've ever seen, that I think could even rival all of the most popular meta decks (if he would play more at larger tournaments :D) The main difference I know of between his list and yours, is consistency. You need to focus on getting turn two Magnezone, no matter what. So, based on my friend's deck, here's what I would do, IF you're not on a budget:
- 2-2 Octillery Line
-1 Glaceon EX
-1 Prof. Letter
-1 Energy Pouch
-2 DDE

+1 Lightning Energy
+2 Shaymin EX (to help get turn 2 Magnezone, and for early game speed)
+3 Trainer's Mail (to boost consistency)
+3 Rare Candy (Not sure why you don't run them)

These changes are meant to boost consistency, so you can get a turn 2 Magnezone and ideally OHKO almost anything you come across. This deck really can be amazing, you just need to have the right list (my friend's list is EXTREMELY tight). Hope this helps!

i can put in 2 shaymin ex the energy
cant put Trainer's Mail or Rare Candy havent got any
The rare candy is an absolute must with this deck. I can get behind not necessarily using Trainer's Mail. Not something I agree with, but some people don't like the card and some decks can't fit it in so I get it. But you absolutely need to get some rare candies. I don't know if you play in a local league or not, but I would bet you could walk in next time, ask someone if they have rare candy to trade, and get the 3 you need to fit into this deck without giving much up or waiting very long for a response :)
how do you have a $40 card but not a $4 card and a $.50 card XD
my cousin gave me the shaymins as he was leaving the tcg but staying with the video game and he didnt have the Trainer's Mail or Rare Candys and i dont have the cash to get any anytime soon and it runs fine without the Trainer's Mail but the candy i do need
my cousin gave me the shaymins as he was leaving the tcg but staying with the video game and he didnt have the Trainer's Mail or Rare Candys and i dont have the cash to get any anytime soon and it runs fine without the Trainer's Mail but the candy i do need
okay makes sense...