Wi-Fi Trades Chariblaze's (free) services

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Darkrai_Shadowforce said:
Chariblaze can you clone my Lugia and Ho-oh in 4th gen? Thankies.

I just need one copy of each.

No, I don't use an AR nor do I use the cloning glitch for fears of file corruption.
Could you breed me an Impish duskull with perfect IV's in attack, defense, and special defence? I'll give you a TRU Arceus.

Not at this time, no. And I'm not that interested in events I haven't obtained myself.
I'm ready to trade so my pokemon can get pokerus! (5th gen) I'll trade you my 3 pokemon that I want to have pokerus, and then we'll trade back
Er, sorry I didn't reply before. But I was just going to give you something already infected, if you didn't mind. PM me whenever you're on again.
I just watched your latest battle video. Very nice Chariblaze :3 I am glad they are working for you :3

So how many points have you gathered so far?
Thank you :) do you know if you can still do it today? If not, no problem, just asking.
I'm not sure. Since you specifically want females, I have doubt. You don't need the eggs themselves, right? Just the Pokemon?
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