I understand its a marketable pokemon but if the tcg needs to cycle Charizard, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, & Darkrai over and over then they need to fix their marketing. Blue sold better than Red in the US the only reason Blastoise isn't as popular as Charizard is because they did Green and Red in Japan, over all more global copies of Red were sold. Evolutions was a set built around nostalgia and as every thing ever has proven nostalgia sells, everything from soda to video games. Charizard has been in 2 Smash (1 as its own character 1 once where its split between the kanto starters) as appose to Pikachu and Jigglybuff that have been in more, Lucario & Mewtwo have been in 2 as their own character. Ash's Charizard is a cheap pop of nostalgia to try and get the show that has lost viewers to get some viewers back. I understand Charizard fanboys will defend its the best pokemon and needs to be in every set but there are some of us who are fans of the franchise and want to see more than the same 6 pokemon
I agree with most everything you're saying, but unfortunately, Charizard is generally well-received; leaving the haters in the minority.
With that said, they do a surprisingly good job with rotating through the 800+ Pokemon.
Though some may be forgotten, they still are getting prints.
Example: I really like Primeape, but even though it was printed in STS, most of the prints it gets are strictly unplayable.
They have variety, they just cater to what's going on currently in the franchise.
Volcanion // Magearna movie?
They release Steam Siege.
Sun & Moon come out?
They release the Sun & Moon set(s).
Pokemon GO releases 2nd Gen?
They release 2nd Gen collections.
the Pokemon company, more or less, likes to tie all their products together.
Which may cause a loss in variety, but we still see fresh Pokemon every so often.