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Charizard Majestic Dawn-On (Masters, Cities)

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Well here's the Charizard deck that I recently placed 15th at Cities, with a 3-2 Win/Loss Record. It seems solid so I'm not sure If any more improvements need to be made:

Pokemon (26)

4-3-4 Charizard AR
2-2-2 Typhlosion Prime
3-3 Ninetales HGSS
3 Spiritomb AR

Trainers/Supporters (17)

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Fisherman
3 Interviewer's Questions
2 Palmer's Contribution

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (14)

11 {R}
3 Call Energy

Deck Total: 60

The deck is pretty straightforward, sweep with Charizard with a full bench of {R} Pokemon utilizing Fire Formation which does 10 damage for each {R} Pokemon on my bench. I've tweaked it to be more Supporter based to help get around VileGar and it works as before I fixed this deck up it had like 2 Rare Candies and a Luxury Ball as the only Trainers in my deck.

This deck is pretty much an auto-loss against Gyarados as I've recently experienced for myself, other than that as for the cards in this deck. Call Energy I think works better than Rescue cause of the need to fill the bench to maximize Zard's damage output and Spiritomb helps for early game setup and stop's my Opponent's from setting up with their Trainers too early while I can Darkness Grace my Basics easily.
Take a look at this:

I went 4-2 with mine. If not for hax I would have gone 6-0. My list works.

Regardless of my list or not, you need 4 Tomb.
The deck worked fine without those cards, the only bad matchups it has as far as I'm concerned are Gyarados, T-Tar/Umbreon, and Mightyena/Skuntank G. Basically any deck that runs Umbreon UD can auto-kill this deck, Moonlight Fang is that cheap.

Fortunately for me not very many people in my meta run Umbreon UD, there's a few that run it but it's not widespread.
Umbreon is NOT auto loss.
You have 3 options with my list;

1. Use Charmeleon
2. Use Quilava
3. Use Flareon (best option)

In my list I added the Flareon for that exact reason.
Someone in my area runs machamp with Umbreon tech. If they want to attack with Umbreon, I can then retreat to Flareon and 1hko them. If they dont want it to be KO'd, they must leave something else up, and charizard can sweep those.
I might consider Flareon UD later on but it doesn't seem like Umbreon is that overplayed in my metagame so I'm good for now.