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CharPhlosion deck for states (any)*


Aspiring Trainer
4-3-4 Charizard
2-1-2 Typhlosion
2-2 Ninetales
1 Uxie
1 Blaiziken FB
1-1 Infernape E4 Level X

4 Rare Candy
2 Super Scoop Up
4 Poke Blower
2 Expert Belt
2 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's
1 Palmer's

13 Fire Energy

Strategy: Not really a strategy, except for Afterburner and Fire Formation.
Since the rest of the deck adds up to 48 cards, I assume a 4 - 4 - 4 Charizard line.

-4 Pokeblower +
+2 Broken Time Space
+1 Blaziken FB LV. X
+1 Azelf LA
-1 - 1 - 1 Troll
+1 - 1 - 1 Cowbell

You need to add a real strategy to this, no matter how obvious it is (never assume they know a certain strategy, especially considering you don't even run that Pokemon) or this will be locked.

dmaster out.
Pokemenkulys, I don't think Zard wants to be running Azelf. It doesn't have any key singletons to prize, and it can slow you down. Is a 6-card tutor really worth losing that bench slot?

Just a note: you need a full bench, 3 energy, and an e-belt to do anything relevant to Gyarados. This Is Bad. Anyone have any tricks to improve the match? I'm debating scrapping the deck and building Eevees. >_>
^Actually, you only need the e-brake if Gyarados is belted, otherwise a bench full of {R} manz = bye bye Gyarados. Also, Typhlosion can help get energy on Charizard reletively quickly anways.

Azelf is definitely a bad call. Aside from the fact that it hurts your damage output, 'Zard decks run multiples of everything, so Azelf isn't even needed in that respect.

@Pokemunkulys: Every deck should run at least a 2-2-2 Cowbell. Everybody knows that!
Charizard decks should run multiples of everything, but notice here that there are 2 1 - 1 lines of LV. X's, and Seekers mitigate the Azelf problem.
^Well, a 1-1 Infernape 4 Lv. X, and a single Blaziken FB. Also, since Infernape is just a tech, you don't need anymore than a 1-1 line of him. I stand corrected.
This is true; having Azelf means your prized infernape can still come out in matchups where it's important. I honestly think Charizard's dependency on fire pokemon is a liability rather than an asset now, and that this deck is never going to be that competitive...
^Not really. Having to rely on a bench full of {R} Manz allows Charizard to take full use of the fact that Ninetales is some of the best drawpower in the format right now. It also rewards you for using Typhlosion Prime with it, something you're libel to do anyways. If you didn't need to use {R} Manz in this deck, what else would you use instead? Maybe more Uxie? That's all I can really think of.
Sorry ALL of you. I will fix this right away! Also, I don't have a lot of good cards for building decks, in case you were wondering.

+----------Credit to Pokemunkulys----------+
Strategy: Use Ninetales to get super fast set up and get out early Charizards. Use Charizard's Pokebody to swing for high damage with low Energy, then get out Typhlosions with Ninetales to consistently use Charizard's second attack for really high damage, sweeping early on. Flood the bench so Charizard's attacks do more damage.

^Just copy and paste that, I don't mind...

Also, I'd add more BTS and Cowbell.
^Yep. More Cowbell tends to make everything more consistent. Especially Charizard. Also, IMO Uxie is definitely worth it. You're pretty much trading 10 dmg for draw power. Easily worth it. Plus, you can always Seeker it up if it's in the way.
It really comes down to what build you're playing. There are in my opinion 3.

Speedzard: Pure acceleration to get 50-60 damage t1-t2. Run uxies, candies, bts, drawer+, play like gyarados. Consider tomb.
Powerzard/normal zard: Mostly fire pokemon, focus on the t3 130/150 damage hit. Ebelts, fire pokemon, max 2 uxies, no tombs.
LockZard: Infernape 4, Spiritomb, warps, seekers, focus on playing safe THEN ramping up for big damage. Slower but safer, best gyarados matchup. Runs fewer candies and more bts, and thicker lines.