Chaz 10 Check It Out!!!!

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Aspiring Trainer
Chaz 10

This is a new spin-off series called Chaz 10. I can add new people since i can't think of any. Just list the name, boy or girl, and how old.
I can't wait to put up the first chapter!!!!
But for now, here's the proluge.
But first there are some rules.
1. No Cursing at all!!!
2. No spamming!!!
3. Be nice to others!!!!!
4. Have fun!!!!!

In the middle of a forest, in the year 2007, everything was calm and quiet. A squirrel ran down a tree towards the middle of the path in the forest. It up a nut and started chewing it.
All of a sudden, the wind blew hard and leaves flew everywhere. The squirrel ran back up the tree. A time portal opened and a figure ran out, trying to run away from something.
The figure was a beaten up man. He was holding something in the capsule in his hand.
"It is time to give up the Omnitrix Ben Tennyson!!" A voice boomed as a beats walked through the portal. The portal closed. 22 year-old Ben kept on running through the forest. The beast had spikes on his shoulder and strange looking plugs around his arms. The beast was a terrible beast. The beast is Vilgax.
His arms grew bigger with the power of the plugs on his arms. He smashed the ground in the direction of Ben. The ground rose and rolled towards him. Ben looked behind him. He saw the ground coming towards him, but it was too late. The ground threw him up into the air.
Ben flew into a tree branch. He flew back towards the ground. He landed next to a tree.
"Ah," He moaned as he tried to move. He saw a hole in the tree trunk. He quickly pushed the capsule and covered it up with leaves. He heard Vilgax coming. Ignoring the pain, he jumped up and chanted the spell, which opens the time portal. The portal opened and he quickly jumped through it. Vilgax saw him jump in and jumped in before it closed.
Ben landed on a hard floor of his spaceship. He turned around and saw Vilgax standing right in front of him.
"Time to surrender Tennyson!" He shouted as he picked Ben up. He started to reach for Ben's Omnitrix on his wrist. Then, he noticed that there was no Omnitrix on his wrist!
"Where is it?!" He shouted angrily. Ben smiled.
"Stuck in year 2007!" he said. He reached for his plasma gun on his wrist.
"What?!" Vilgax said. Ben aimed the gun at him.
"It's too late now Vilgax." He said. Vilgax started to run towards Ben. Ben jumped at of the way. Vilgax landed in a giant computer. Ben pulled the trigger and the blast flew straight into the computer's engine. Ben quickly started to run.
"I'll kill you Ben Tennyson!!!" Vilgax shouted. He couldn’t get up. He was stuck and tangled in wires of the computer. The computer exploded.
Ben ran into the spaceship harbor. He jumped in a ship and started it. The harbor doors, leading out of the ship, opened. The ship flew out in time. Ben looked back and saw the ship blow up in pieces. He turned back around and let out a sigh of relief.

So what do you think????

Plus I'm introducing....
The Aliens Page!!
For now, you'll have to click on the link and you'll see the pic of the alien.
1. Fourarms
2. XLR8
3. Ditto
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

uh this belongs in fan creations because this is a fan-fic
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

thank you for moving this forum!!! I had no idea because this wasn't pokemon related so i put it in Misc. Stuff thanks!
So what do you think about the proluge????
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

Ok i'll tell a few clues about the chapter 1(not ready yet, need people to put in the story!!)
1. Ben does not have the omnitrix any more
2. The portal was a time portal, meaning Ben and Vigax was from about 22 years from now. Year 2029.
3. A beast comes back in time to find the capsule.
That's it for now!!!!
Please if you want to be in it just say so!!!
Don't forget to list the name, how old, and the gender.
The chapter 1 will probably be up this week!!!
Check it out!!!
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

alright i might put up the first chapter maybe tomorrow and maybe fix the proluge.
Please remember, you can ask to be in the story!!!!!!!
P.S. I need a banner for this thread. So if you have one or wanna make one, just go to my thread, I need a Chaz 10 Banner!!!!
Sorry, i don't know how to make links, so you'll have to find it!!
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

I thought kawaii_Mew made you a banner?
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

Rain said:
I thought kawaii_Mew made you a banner?
Yes, she did, but i forgot how to put a banner in your sig. So, i'm going to try to find out how though.

I'm sorry but i think i can't put up chapter 1 today!!!!:(
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

info:awesome. lol

i think its good keep it up
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

Chazz9 said:
Ok i'll tell a few clues about the chapter 1(not ready yet, need people to put in the story!!)
1. Ben does not have the omnitrix any more
2. The portal was a time portal, meaning Ben and Vigax was from about 22 years from now. Year 2029.
3. A beast comes back in time to find the capsule.
That's it for now!!!!
Please if you want to be in it just say so!!!
Don't forget to list the name, how old, and the gender.
The chapter 1 will probably be up this week!!!
Check it out!!!


You say in the prologue that he's 26 or 27. So, that means Ben was 4 or 5 in 2007? Wow.
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

someone else finds the omnitrix!!
Though i think you did the math wrong Stryker Z!!
Ben is about 10 in year 2007. The future Ben is from the year 2029 and is 22 year old.
Badger62, thanks for asking to be in it!!!!
I'll add you in the story!!!!
RE: Chaz 10 is here!!!!!!

Chapter 1!!!
Chapter 1:
13 year-old Chaz sat in the science classroom. He looked up at the clock, waiting the period to end. He tapped his pencil on his science book.
“Alright class,” the teacher said, passing out a sheet of paper to the class, “this is your homework for tonight.” The class groaned. “I’m giving you the last 5 minutes to start your homework.” The teacher finished.
Chaz started on the homework. After the first three questions on the homework, he looked back at the bell. 10 seconds left. He quickly packed all of his stuff. The bell rang, ending last period of the day. Chaz walked out of the door.
He ran down the stairs to first floor. He walked down the hallway to his locker. The hallways were crowded with kids getting ready to leave. He opened the locker and grabbed his backpack and put his homework in it. He checked the locker to see if he needed anything else and closed it. He walked to the end of the hallway and walked down the stairs to one of the exits of the school. He started walking to the forest behind the Junior High School.
As he walked down the hill, the wind started to blow hard and leaves flew everywhere. He kept on walking towards the forest. As he got to the front of the forest, he started walking down the path. As he walked, he heard a rustling behind him. Chaz turned around and saw nothing. He kept on walking. His foot stepped in a print on the ground.
“Huh?” He said. He looked at the trail of the footprints on the ground. They were big and not even close to a human foot. Chaz looked down the trail and saw the prints ended. But there was more. The ground looked messed up and trees had fallen. Chaz walked down the messed up ground. It stopped at a crooked tree. He walked around the tree. He spotted a hole in the tree trunk. Inside was a pile of leaves, but they looked like they were covering something underneath it.
He heard another rustle. He looked around again and still saw nothing. He heard some growling. He looked back at the pile and wiped the leaves off. He found a capsule underneath it.
Chaz picked it up. The capsule, all of the sudden, opened. Inside was a strange looking watch, it was very familiar though. He reached in for it. The watch activated and flew onto his wrist.
“Ahhh!!” Chaz screamed as he dropped the capsule. The watch clamped onto his wrist and started to combine with him. Chaz grabbed it. Then, he remembered that it was like the omnitrix that Ben has. He heard of the omnitrix on the news whenever Ben did something “heroic”. The watch stopped and beeped.
Chaz thought the only way to be sure it was the omnitrix. He pressed the button. The dial popped up and Chaz pushed it back down. The watch beeped and transformed Chaz into Fourarms. Chaz looked down at himself. It worked!! Chaz jumped up into the air.
“Yea!!!!” he shouted. He heard more rustling. He stopped. A chill flew down his spine. More growling filled the air.
“Thank you for finding the omnitrix for me,” a voice said behind him. Chaz turned around and saw a beast. He had spikes on his shoulder, two plugs on both arms. His battle armor was purple. His face was very similar to Vilgax’s. He punched Chaz really hard. Chaz flew back and smashed trough a tree. The tree fell down onto the ground. He landed on the ground. He looked up and saw the beast nashville hot chicken its plasma gun and aimed towards Chaz. He gulped.
So what do you think???? :)
I'm sure that i can't do chapter 2 this weekend(homework, i've got Math, Tech Lab, Spanish and Science!) but i will be able to come online and check out what's going on here. Keep on requesting to be in the story, I will add you!!!!
Keep voting and keep replying, please!!!