Chaz 10 Check It Out!!!!

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i havnt seen this thread in a while so my character is actually 13 but i dont look i just type (now on i will look)
RE: Chaz 10 Check It Out!!

thanks narutmon, I think i understand what you're trying to say!! Thanks WooperWarrior too!!! Chapter 2 will probably be tomorrow!!!!!
RE: Chaz 10 Check It Out!!

narutomon said:
what i said is i made a mistake with the age

I know, it is ok. I still allow more people if you want to be in it!!!!

Plus, I figured out how to put my banner in my sig! YAY!!!:)
Ok since some people reading this can possibly not know what aliens Chaz is using.
So I'm adding pics. of the aliens he uses in the story!!!!
They will be on the first page/reply.
RE: Chaz 10 Check It Out!!

sorry but i think probably tomorrow, I'll start working on it now and see how it ends up today!!!!
I feel so glad that people wants to read this story!!
RE: Chaz 10 Check It Out!!

Ok here is Chapter 2!!!!!
The one you've been waiting for!!!!!
In this chapter, things get shaked up on the next day of school, literally!!!!!
And now, here is Chapter 2.

Chapter 2
The beast prepared to pull the trigger of his gun. Chaz was frozen in fear.
"After I kill you, I'll take that omnitrix and my father will be proud of me." The beast said.
"Wait," Chaz said, "Who's your father?" The beast stopped.
"Vilgax," He said, "He sent me here to find the omnitrix that Ben, from the year 2029, left here. He couldn't do it because he was nearly killed by Ben and needs to heal and rest. Since he is weak now, he sent me to find it."
"Whoa," Chaz said. He looked back at Vilgax's son. "What's your name?" He asked.
"Cytrax," Cytrax said, "Enough!!! It's time to kill you and get the omnitrix back!" He pulled the trigger of his gun. The plasma bullet flew towards Chaz. Chaz jumped out of the way and landed behind Cytrax. As Cytrax turned around, Chaz punched him and sent him flying.
"Ahhh!!!" Cytrax screamed in pain as he flew trough four trees and landed on the path. Chaz ran up to him and grabbed him by the legs. He started to spin around and then threw him up into the sky.
"I'll get you!!!" He said as he disappeared in the sky. Chaz watched him. He heard a beeping. He looked at the omnitrix symbol on his shoulder. It was blinking red. The omnitrix timed out. And Chaz was his normal self again. Chaz smiled and looked back at the sky.
The next morning, it was the start of the school day. Chaz stepped off the bus and walked into the school.
"Hey Chaz!!!!" A voice shouted. Chaz turned around. It was one of his closest friends, Nate. They gave each other a high five. Nate spotted the omnitrix. "Hey what's that on your wrist?" He asked.
"The omnitrix," He whispered, "I found it yesterday and the son of Vilgax attacked me and I sent him flying into the sky." Nate starred at him. He started laughing.
"You're crazy Chaz." He said.
"It's true!!" Chaz said.
"Ok, alright." Nate said. Chaz knew he was pretending, but he had another strange feeling about something. He didn't know why.
In his seventh period class, math, the teacher was talking about fractions. The feeling Chaz had since the beginning of the day was feeling strong now. Chaz still couldn't figure it out. He felt a pencil jab in his back. He turned around and saw his friend sitting behind him.
"You alright??" She asked.
"Yea," Chaz said. He turned back around.
"Class, tell me what 1/3 times 12 equals." The teacher said. Chaz kept quiet as the class said the answer out loud. The teacher dropped his marker that he was holding. As he reached for it, the ground started shaking. Pencils fell off desks and the lights flickered. The ground shook harder. The desks shook and books fell off the desks too. Posters and the marker board on the walls fell to the ground.
"EARTHQUAKE!!!!" A kid screamed. Other kids screamed.

So what do you think???
I know it might be going to fast but..... I don't know.
I'll start working on Chapter 3!!!!!!!
Tobi, thank you for asking to be in it!!!
I am still taking requests to be in it!!!!!
RE: Chaz 10 Check It Out!!

Hey I haven't started on chapter 3 yet, but I am thinking about what to type though. I hope i can get some time tomorrow!!!
RE: Chaz 10 Check It Out!!

Chapter 3 is here already!!!!! Chapter 4 maybe tomorrow!!!!!
Here it is!!!!
Chapter 3
Chaz held onto his seat as the earthquake continued. The lights flickered; boxes and books fell onto the floor. Kids screamed. All of the sudden, Chaz heard a loud boom and more kids screamed. The earthquake stopped and the lights went out. Some of the lights turned back on. Chaz looked around. The entire room was a mess. Boxes and books were scattered around the floor. The two marker boards were lying on the ground. Some of the ceiling tiles fell down also. Chaz turned around to help his friend.
“You alright?” He asked as he helped her get up.
“Yea,” She said. Chaz heard kids scream in the classroom across from his.
“Gotta go,” He said. He ran out of the door and stopped. Kids ran out of the classroom and one of them fell onto ground. It was the girl Chaz had a crush on, Emily.
After a while Chaz asked her out and they decided to be friends. They became close friends because their moms and dads knew each other as friends.
Emily turned around and screamed. A giant beast crashed straight through the doorway. Debris and glass flew everywhere. Emily covered her face. She looked back at the beast.
Chaz knew the beast. The beast had four arms. Two of them were Wildmutt arms. One of them was a Heatblast arm. The other is a Diamondhead arm. The beast had an Upgrade like back, a XLR8 tail, and Stinkfly wings. He also had a Greymatter eye, two Fourarms eyes, and Ripjaws fangs. It was Kevin 11.
Kevin 11 roared, showing the fangs. Emily screamed and tried to run away. Kevin 11 grabbed her by the leg and held in the air. He raised his Diamondhead arm and it transformed into a sharp spear.
“No, not my friend.” Chaz said. He activated the omnitrix and pressed the dial down. The omnitrix flashed green and Chaz transformed into XLR8. He quickly looked at himself and ran towards Kevin 11. Chaz used his tail and smashed Kevin 11’s Wildmutt arm that was holding Emily and grabbed Emily.
“Ahhhh!!!!” Kevin 11 screamed as sharp pain shot through his arm and let go of Emily. Chaz ran back into his math classroom and put Emily down.
“Who are you?” Emily asked. Chaz starred at her.
“Me,” Chaz said.
“Chaz?” Emily asked. He nodded. Emily hugged him.
“Thanks,” She said. Chaz ran back out into the hallway. Kevin 11 recovered and stood back up.
“You’re going down Kevin 11!” Chaz said.
“Really?” He said.
“Yep,” Chaz said.
“Well then, DIE!!!” Kevin 11 screamed as he ran towards Chaz with his Diamondhead arm as a sharp spear and his Heatblast arm forming a fireball.

So what ya think??
The battle between Kevin 11 and Chaz is coming soon!!!!!
RE: Chaz 10 Check It Out!!

Ok Chapter 4 is here!!!!!!
WARNING!: It is a little long!!!!
Chapter 4
Chaz watched Kevin 11 run towards Chaz. The second Kevin 11 raised his sharp Diamondhead arm, he ran out of the way. Kevin 11 slammed the ground. He turned around and threw the fireball that he was forming in his Heatblast arm. It hit the big window in the hallway and the metal holding the window melted. Chaz appeared behind Kevin 11. Kevin 11 turned around. Chaz rapidly kicked him in the face with XLR8’s speed. He quickly jumped off and ran. Kevin 11 grabbed his face. He groaned in pain. He looked back up. Chaz ran back towards him and quickly kicked him again. Kevin 11 grabbed his legs quickly and threw him towards a row of lockers. Chaz flew into the lockers.
Parts of the locker doors flew everywhere. Books and folders fell onto Chaz. He groaned. All of the sudden, he heard creaking. Chaz looked up. He saw the wall falling apart above him.
“Let me help you,” Kevin 11 said. He shot a fireball at the wall with his Heatblast arm. The fireball hit the wall. The wall started to melt and fall apart.
“Chaz look out!!” Emily screamed. The classes were watching the battle. The wall fell apart and bricks and chucks fell onto Chaz.
“So sad to see Chaz lose and die,” Kevin 11 said, “but not for me!!!”
“Really?” A voice said in the smoke. Kevin 11 turned around back at the smoke covering up where Chaz crashed. A figure flew out of the smoke. It was Chaz.
“What?!” Kevin 11 shouted. Chaz smiled and flipped around. He gained speed twirling around in mid air. It started to grow very strong. Papers and folders flew around. The kids held on tightly. Kevin 11 kept his balance. He quickly jumped at Chaz. At the last second, Chaz spotted him. He smiled. He smashed his tail at Kevin 11’s face with the speed he made spinning.
Kevin 11 screamed and he flew back and crashed threw a row of lockers and into a classroom. He landed in the desks, flipping some over. Chaz ran into the hole. Emily ran up next to him. The omnitrix started beeping. They looked at his chest. The omnitrix symbol was flashing red.
“One more thing to do,” Chaz said. He ran and jumped towards the ceiling above Kevin 11. He flipped over and smashed his tail threw it. The ceiling fell apart and fell towards Kevin 11. A classroom was above the classroom they were in. Desks fell though the ceiling. Chaz landed down on the ground next to the pile of debris and desks.
The omnitrix flashed red and Chaz was back to normal. He looked at Emily. He smiled. Chaz walked back through the hole and into the hallway. Kids cheered. Chaz smiled.
“So, it is an omnitrix,” A voice said. Nate walked up to Chaz. Chaz gave him a high five.
“I told you!” He said. Kids gave him high fives and some girls hugged him.
Chaz heard screaming upstairs on the first floor. He ran up the stairs and into the hallway of the first floor. The kids and teachers followed up. Chaz saw the beast that brought Kevin 11.
“Back up!!!” Chaz said to the crowd. The beast saw Chaz. The kids that were on the first floor ran away from the beast.
“Well, well, I knew you were here,” Cytrax said,” Now it is time to my revenge!!” The plugs on his arms started absorbing the electricity in the hallways. Lighting bolts flew from the lights and sparks flew everywhere. The lights began to flicker. Chaz tried to activate his omnitrix. The light was still red. He looked back at Cytrax. He was walking towards him.
The omnitrix turned green and Chaz activated it and pressed the dial down. The omnitrix flashed green and Chaz was Ditto.
“Ditto??? Nice try weakling!” Cytrax said. He shot lighting bolts at him from his hands. The plugs, on his arms, were absorbing power for him. The lighting bolts hit Chaz and he flew through the window. The window shattered entirely. Glass flew everywhere on the floor.
Chaz landed on the hill and rolled down the hill. He stopped his self and tried to get up. He groaned with the pain. He looked back the window he flew through. Cytrax was standing in the window.
“Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!” He laughed. He raised his arms. The cloudy skies were twisting around. Lighting bolts flew into the plugs on his arms. He grew bigger and stronger with his power. His eyes turned red. Fangs grew and his arms grew bigger. He jumped out of the window and landed in front of Chaz. He grew bigger until he was tall as about two stories high. He looked down at Chaz. Chaz looked up at. He gulped.

Ok so i think i mightbe able to do maybe at least Chapter 5,6,7,8 over the weekend!!!!