Cheapest place to get cards?


Ice Blade!
I'm thinking about participating in the Battle Road tournament, but since I've just started playing again, all of my cards are ANCIENT. I just now saw that the only cards allowed in Modified are fairly new. (At least compared to my Base-Neo stuff)

Anyway, where can I get some cards without totally draining my wallet? I just won 50 bucks at the casino and I'm wanting to get the best bang for my buck. Mwahaha.

(If you're going to answer with an online place, you've got to factor in the shipping too... Sure, booster packs may cost 50 cents less, but I end up paying double when the shipping comes around.)
Spike said:
I'm thinking about participating in the Battle Road tournament, but since I've just started playing again, all of my cards are ANCIENT. I just now saw that the only cards allowed in Modified are fairly new. (At least compared to my Base-Neo stuff)

Anyway, where can I get some cards without totally draining my wallet? I just won 50 bucks at the casino and I'm wanting to get the best bang for my buck. Mwahaha.

(If you're going to answer with an online place, you've got to factor in the shipping too... Sure, booster packs may cost 50 cents less, but I end up paying double when the shipping comes around.)
Some ebay stores offer free shipping. Another choice is to buy your boosters locally and trade for the cards you need here.
I dunno if other card places do this but at the card shop where pokemon tcg tournaments are held at here in town, the prices of booster packs go down a little and offer no taxes during tournaments. So maybe check at your local card store where your tournaments are.

Other than that, eBay has some reasonable prices here and there and SOME stores offer free shipping. I know a lot of stores offer free shipping for booster boxes too so maybe if you have the extra cash try that out.
You could buy cards on eBay, but just be warned that some are counterfeit. Also shop around for sites that sell singles for the best deals, eBay isn't always the best.
Buy a theme deck to get some staple cards, and buy 10-15-20 packs. You should be able to make a decent deck.
i wouldn't suggest buying online straight away (seeing as it is quite costly), i would only do that once your comfortable enough with the game then you should start buying online. If i were you i would just starting buy from local stores just to help build up a collection of cards which you could just use to trade for things you need.
Ebay would be the best place. However, if your just getting back into it, I would go to Target (real life) and get their checkout lane value packs. The contain one booster, a POP pack, and a promo card for $5.
Spike said:
I didn't ask WHAT to buy.

Go to a place that has a pokemon league. They usually sell stuff for 25% off store standard price.