Pokemon cheating in pokemon games

xxashxx said:
I do sometimes. When I fight during battle I use the A button to attack and hold it down because it does more damage to the foe.:)

no..i do the same think but the attack is same ...
Hahah me well have only cheated by cloning i have never used a gameshark i haven't even seen a gamesshark!!hahah
Great question!
I remember when pokemon was everywhere this one person had a gameshark. He soon became the most popular boy in the area.
Johnty, there are gameshark codes that can make every pokemon you meet in the game shiny. I don't know any other ways of doing this.
Well I believe that I have only ever cheated once...

This was the Emerald clone. I felt really bad afterwould so I released the pokemon:p

For some reason I feel that it spoils the game for me :D
Well umm would really like to get a gameshark so if anyone knows how to get one could you please post you answer here!!thank-you
all you have to do to get a gameshark is go to a store like game stop with 30$ and buy one

its that easy my gosh you are person noobs
MUGEN pwns all
pwns all
I've used the Missingno. glitch, I've been to glitch city, and I've used the R/B/Y and G/S/C cloning cheats. That's it so far.
In my opinion, cheating takes the fun out of a game, I mean what's the point of buying a game when you can just cheat to the end or power up till you are unstopable? I like earning everything I have:);)
Nope, never cheated. I don't think I ever will, but who can resist getting 100+ Arcanines? But hopefully I won't stoop that low.

Arcanine out.
yeah...cheating would really take out all the fun. Its really fun and exciting to start first as weak then progressively go on to become stronger. I dont like it when you recieve ( for example ) a lv. 60 Suicune already as your starter...wouldnt that be UNfun? I mean... not earning and working hard for a sure win? Of course its better to earn it. Cheating isnt PLAYING the game. :(
I cheat in pokemon......but I believe I dont take it too far. I dont see the point in taking a short cut to get something that would make it funner for the PLAYER, and things like training are time consuming and it makes the game boring. However, I dont RC or make hacked stats....I keep it FAIR I just make it funner for me.