I have hippowdon, mewtwo x promo and a pikachu secret rare reprint.
I have hippowdon, mewtwo x promo and a pikachu secret rare reprint.
InfinityFangX said:hey,
I was interested in your sally x and possibly expert belt if yur willing to trade.
some arent listed on my thread, but I have these of your wants for trade...
x1 Arceus Sleeves
x3 Rare candies
x2 Bebes Search
x2 Ninetales PT
x2 Charizard PA
x10 random unowns? lol, not sure which ones you wanted on your thread.
x3 Venonat
and I have 1 darkrai professors playmat to trade if necessary for sally x
cml if you need anything else :]
emoto4444 said:do you want to trade??
Frozendukie said:Hey, do you still want to trade? I could and prbly will pick a different X sence everyone wants the sally x
emoto4444 said:oh okay, let me know regardless of whether or not you want to trade or not, k, thanks
Frozendukie said:My 3x bebe's search
Your Machamp X(do you have any RH trapinch or Flygon) continue to CML asap.
Frozendukie said:Okay then alazam sp lvl x with the basic?
Frozendukie said:Take out the unkown G then you can just settle with the x and basic please PM me to finalize.
Frozendukie said:2 bebe's please
emoto4444 said:if you can do the trade with me, would you do my x2 bebe for your drapion x???
so the trade would look like
Landmin Lv. X
X2 Bebe
Salamence Lv. X
X2 Expert Belt or X1 RH Expert Belt
Drapion Lv. X
hhmmm its alright, thanks though. but lmk about the original trade on my threadIGETCHEDDA said:in the last 10 mins i got about 6 bebes so im good with them. i can trade drapion for rare candy and something else :O
emoto4444 said:hhmmm its alright, thanks though. but lmk about the original trade on my thread![]()