Finished Chess! Final Round of Round 1!

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RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced!

A knight can't move like that 0.0
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced!

^ That's what I was thinking :/

I kinda like the 36 hour Time limit: now a match is watchable \;]
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced!


RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced!

I can't use the board maker right now, somehow... The move I was about to make was moving my pawn on e7 to e5. Sorry for the inconvenience.
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced!

SinRaven said:
I can't use the board maker right now, somehow... The move I was about to make was moving my pawn on e7 to e5. Sorry for the inconvenience.

TU for informing me =) If the problem isn't fixed, tell me. I'm restarting the time-limit for now.

[Sorry for being inactive, computer had to be fixed]
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced! Forms posted to soon?

OK people, here are the forms for the Team Battles :3

[b]Are you active?[/b]
[b]When did you start playing Chess?[/b]
[b]Do you know what a Grandmaster is?[/b]
[b]Are you a expert, average, or newbie Chess player?[/b]
[b]What experience do you have with Chess?[/b]
[b]Have you ever been in a tournament?[/b]
[b]Explain what a Castle is?[/b]
[b]Write a paragraph on what makes a good chess player.[/b]
[b]I sacrifice my rook to take my foe's bishop. Is this a good move?[/b]

And just to cut down my choices, you must have 50 post to sign-up. Also you need to label the PM "4-8-15-16-23-42". Anything not labeled that will not be accepted. Also, you may NOT send in your sign-ups now. Sign-ups need to be sent in after the finals are over. You must also answer every question honestly. IF YOU POST THE FORM IN THIS THREAD, I WILL NOT ACCEPT, AS YOU CLEARLY DON'T FOLLOW RULES.

^Breaking any of these will result in you not being accepted. :3
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced! Forms posted to soon?

It took some time, but it works.
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced! Forms posted to soon?

^Nice to see you got the problem fixed :3

SURPRISE! I'm participating in the Team Tournament B) I fell confident :p

Edit; I randomly generated, and I'm placed in Team Kingdra.
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced! Forms posted

Uhm, dude, that's not a check. That's my Queen you know.

Will update with my move later, as zoon as I get home (on phone now)

Edit: worked on phone too.
RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced! Forms posted to soon?

...>_< That symbol always reminds me of a typical king's crown. Oh well, will edit with the board in a few min.

RE: Pokebeach Chess Championship: Semi-Finals! Team Captains Announced! Forms posted to soon?

Since Pride was put down as a replacement and never got the chance to play, I'm making him one of the first to be put on a team. Pride has been put in Team Slowking.
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