• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc

i can do that, im mainly interested in the spiritombs over the kingdra prime, do you mind setting up an offer?
RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc

my RH pokemon comm
x3 SP radar
x2 Garchomp C (regional promo)
x1 power spray
x1 Crobat G

your x1 kingdra prime.
RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc

SoundBot said:
my RH pokemon comm
x3 SP radar
x2 Garchomp C (regional promo)
x1 power spray
x1 Crobat G

your x1 kingdra prime.

ugh I would have done that but I don't have the Kingdra prime anymore. Is there naything else you need?

Please CML for x2 Expert Belt

Do you have any Team Galatic invention stuff? Cyrus Consipiracy,e-gain or sp-radar?

MotorRotom said:
I want your Palkia G Lv.X. Unfortunately I don't have a list of my cards and I only have Garchomp C RH, SP Radar RH, 4 Cyrus's Conspiracy, and 2 Crobat G. I have a few primes so I could exchange for that?

I really like the Garchomp C RH. But I think we can only trade if we both have trade pages up.

ash_satoshi said:
i have:
1 dialga g lv x

do u want to trade with ur:
1 Kingdra Prime
2 reverse holo Spiritomb Arceus


The King is gone sorry :(

coach4312 said:
i can do that, im mainly interested in the spiritombs over the kingdra prime, do you mind setting up an offer?

I'll pm you today when i get home ty!
RE: [W] RH Garchomp C, SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,]H[3 RH Spiritombs etc

I could do x1 Cyrus Consipiracy for x1 Expert Belt.
RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc

Okay but would you do


luxray lv x


3 RH spiritomb

Counter or lmk
RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc

Actually, you can trade either way. Or do you mean that you want to see my rares?
RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc

MotorRotom said:
Actually, you can trade either way. Or do you mean that you want to see my rares?

You do need a trade thread. You should start one up I'm sure we could work out a trade.
RE: [W] SP trainers ,Toxicroak G Promo,Uxie X[H] Kingdra prime,3 RH Spiritombs etc

blaZofgold said:
CML azelf and absols

I didnt see anything...do you have any unlisted sp trainers?
RE: [W] 2 Reverse Holo Garchomp C ,Sp stuff [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc

Cml for pgx 2 broken time space and kingdra prime and 1e belt
RE: [W] 2 Reverse Holo Garchomp C ,Sp stuff [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc

sksipped my offer, i also have an RH garchomp C
RE: [W] 2 Reverse Holo Garchomp C ,Sp stuff [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc

Steelix_Kid said:
Cml for pgx 2 broken time space and kingdra prime and 1e belt

Are the Garchomp C Lv. X 's pack?
RE: [W] 2 Reverse Holo Garchomp C ,Sp stuff [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc

*bump* updated wants
RE: [W] 2 Reverse Holo Garchomp C ,Sp stuff [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc

ChiaPet said:
Are the Garchomp C Lv. X 's pack?
one is
RE: [W]Promocroak, 2 RH Garchomp C,RH SP stuff [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc

ill trade u
2x Garchomp C RH
Kingdra Prime
and 2 BTS
LMK or counter!
RE: [W]Promocroak, 2 RH Garchomp C,RH SP stuff [H] 3 RH Spiritombs and misc

PokemonLv63X said:
ill trade u
2x Garchomp C RH
Kingdra Prime
and 2 BTS
LMK or counter!

PM sent :)

Azelf Master said:
cml for 4x Sableye and 3x Garchomp SV

I only have 1 Garchomp SV (stage 2) left. I could trade 1 and something else for 2 e-gain?