DPPt/HGSS Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile?

Who will be your starter? Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile

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Totodile will be my Starter Pokémon. It will in HeartGold, at least. I'll probably trade over the other two from SoulSilver or something.
I am goingto to pick Chickorita because she is my favorite starter, out of all the starters in the game. :)
I'll pick a random, ditch in a box and raise something else. I've played through G/S around 6 times. All of the starter are boring now.
I start with a fire type because I need one before I can find one.
I'll choose Totodile first, then I'll trade it to my Platinum, start SS all over, choose Chikorita, trade to my Platinum, start SS all over, choose Cyndaquil and finally, trade Totodile and Chikorita back to SS. OR I maybe I can just Pokésav all three with good IVs, EVs already done, and just beautify them? LOL
Chikorita, because I always start with water starter but I think Chikorita is better than Totodile.
Muddy68 said:
Cyndaquil FTW!
Feralgatr just has really low defense.

what? Feraligatr has a Base 100 DEF what are you talking about
and it has a Base 105 Atk.

anyway I'm getting Totodile.
I'm definitely starting out with Cyndaquil,
he was my very first Pokemon since Gold was my
very first game.
After I beat red, for some reason the credits rolled and
when I wanted to press continue, it wasn't there!
It's like my save file deleted itself for some reason :(
The best starter in my opinion is cyndaquil because I love fire types and typhlosion is one of my favorite pokemon.
Cyndaquil will be the most powerful (he is the fire type)
But I am still going to choose tododile because he is my favourite of the 3 and his evolutions just look way better. Cyndaquils line is quite boring because all it does is grow fatter and longer unlike the rest of the fire starters who grow wings or tails or something.
Although im probably not getting the game, I would highly reccomend Totodile. When I played gold, it helped me dominate.
With the many trainers early in the game. You should start with Totodile or Cyndaquil. Since they are mostly grass and rock types it is the best way to start. Depending on your starter also depends on the difficulty of play. I think if you choose Fire types as your starter it is easy,Water Inermediate or Normal and Grass Advanced or hard difficulty. If you want to go fast choose Cyndaquil, If you want to go so so choose Totodile and if you want to take your time choose Chicorita the grass srarter. It all depends on your starter and how hard you want it to be.:)
xxashxx said:
With the many trainers early in the game. You should start with Totodile or Cyndaquil. Since they are mostly grass and rock types it is the best way to start. Depending on your starter also depends on the difficulty of play. I think if you choose Fire types as your starter it is easy,Water Inermediate or Normal and Grass Advanced or hard difficulty. If you want to go fast choose Cyndaquil, If you want to go so so choose Totodile and if you want to take your time choose Chicorita the grass srarter. It all depends on your starter and how hard you want it to be.:)

actually totodile would be fast now since the battle system change plus its updated movepool.