Wi-Fi Trades ChillBill's My Player Thread (CLOSED)

RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Traded with Pokemaister899. Thanks, dude.
Edited my first post with the trades.
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Would you like to do a trade and back between my Keldeo and your Kyogre? And if it's not too much Rayquaza too?
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) :time zone. When I get home I will get you my FC for Black.
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Now, the times. I'm 8 hours ahead of you, so what works for me is 7am-4pm by your time. But I guess you have school. So if these times aren't good, how about trading on Saturday? 3pm by your time is the one that's best for me.
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Which game is your Dugtrio on, and how did you catch it? (Just wondering)
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

A friend of mine caught Dugtrio in Diglett's cave, FireRed. As far as I'm concerned, he didn't use any cheating devices. I cloned it in Emerald with the clone glitch and transferred it to Black 2.
In case you find out it's hacked (which I doubt, but still), then by all means, tell me.
Are you OK with these?
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Yes I am, also the Dratini is level 16 now due to breeding, but other than that, it's UT, just a heads up
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

As long as it is an Extremespeed male, I'm cool. So Monday, 3pm by your time. I'm starting breeding.
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Traded with QWERTYDITTO. Thanks, mate!
Edited thread.
@Equinox: Tomorrow at 3pm by your time then.
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Sorry, I had to go to sleep after the last trade. It was about midnight here, and I had school.
Say, can you trade today at 3pm (about 2hrs 15 mins from this post if I'm correct)?
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

Unfortunately not, I'll be on probably two hours or so later
RE: ChillBill's My Player Thread

OK. Here's the deal. I've got hours of availability in my first post. I'm about 8 hrs ahead of you. Pick an hour among those I'm available.