RMT Chilled Mocha: A Mega Lopunny Team


Aspiring Trainer

This is my first RMT, featuring Mega Lopunny. It's an OU team made up of pokemon I hatched from eggs.

At a glance:
pokemon RMT lopunny.png

Lopunny @ Lopunnite
Ability: Limber
Jolly Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
-Fake Out
-High Jump Kick
-Ice Punch

Lopunny is a hard-hitting sweeper. Fake Out benefits Lopunny by taking some pokemon that are just outside OHKO range from one of it's other attacks, and taking them there. Return is a strong STAB move, and High Jump Kick super-effectively hits many of the Rock or Steel types that resist it (one exception being Skarmory). The Scrappy ability is just what Lopunny needs, and allows it to hit Sableye super-effectively with High Jump Kick, which can be pretty funny when the opponent doesn't expect this. Ice Punch is for coverage.

Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
Jolly Nature
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
-Dragon Claw
-Fire Fang
-Stealth Rock

Garchomp is this team's Stealth Rock setter, so it's often used as this team's lead. Having Stealth Rock up allows the Scizor/Rotom-W core to maintain pressure on the opponent. Garchomp does both passive and aggressive damage, with excellent move coverage and the combination of Rocky Helmet and Rough Skin. Dragon Claw and Earthquake are the stab moves, while Fire Fang provides coverage for Skarmory and Ferrothorn. More than once, I've switched Lopunny out of a Talonflame's Brave Bird and brought in Garchomp, and saw the Talonflame fall to recoil damage.

Scizor @ Lum Berry
Ability: Technician
Adamant Nature
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
-Swords Dance
-Bullet Punch

Half of the Scizor/Rotom-W core. The two pokemon's types compliment each other so well. Lum Berry is there to take off the burn that sometimes comes at it from Will-O-Wisp while setting up Swords Dance. U-turn allows Scizor to get an attack in while switching to a teammate, likely Rotom-W. U-turning out would cause Scizor to lose any boosts it acquired from Swords Dance, but it's often the better strategic move. Bullet punch is a strong priority move, and gives opposing Fairy types a rough time. Pursuit is so Ghost and Psychic types don't get away safely.

Rotom-W @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Bold Nature
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe
-Volt Switch
-Pain Split
-Hydro Pump

Physically-defensive Rotom. The presence of Rotom-W on the field typically makes more experienced players predict a Will-O-Wisp, and switch out their physical sweepers. Predicting this, a Volt Switch can damage their pokemon as they come in, and I can send in a different pokemon to maintain pressure. If they send in their Grass types, Scizor is an excellent choice to keep the pressure up. Hydro Pump is a hard-hitting STAB move. Pain Split is hard to depend on, but there are times, when it can really turn the momentum of the match around. Sylveon's Wish is probably more reliable for recovery.

Dusclops @ Evolite
Ability: Pressure
Sassy Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
-Night Shade
-Pain Split

Rage quit machine. I've seen it happen. Obviously, Dusclops wouldn't like being the target of Knock Off, but it does have Protect to scout it out. This Dusclops is specially defensive, with Will-O-Wisp taking care of things on the physical side. A stall battle with this thing typically looks like alternating Night Shades and Protects while burn damage piles up. This can be very frustrating. I'm not very fond of Pain Split as a recovery option, but it has helped Dusclops out before. Dusclops can also benefit well from a Wish from Sylveon.

Sylveon @ Leftovers
Ability: Pixilate
Bold Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 220 Def / 36 SpD
-Hyper Voice
-Heal Bell

Sylveon provides valuable team support, takign away status conditions with Heal Bell and restoring HP with Wish. Heal Bell takes care of burns, which can be a problem for my team. It also helps in times that Dusclops has a Toxic poison condition, which can hurt it's ability to stall. Hyper Voice becomes a very strong STAB move with the Pixilate ability. Protect can be used to ensure that Sylveon benefits from a Wish, but it can also be used to scout out an opponent's moves.

Personally, I think that this team is pretty solid. What do you think? Are there some ways it can be improved?
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This team bears a lot of similarities to the earlier forms of my team, Public Enemy No.1. I like Mega Lopunny a lot personally, and I like the concept of this team. A few things though.

First, if you want to run Rocky Helmet on Garchomp, I suggest you go for the tank set. Garchomp has great synergy with Lopunny anyway, but with its tank set it can care of many walls that Lops struggles with, thanks to Toxic, and it can still reliably set SR as well as shuffle with Dragon Tail. You can try either a mixed defenses set or a faster physically defensive one.

On Scizor, I'll suggest Choice Band. SD with Lum Berry on vanilla Scizor isn't really good. CB may limit you somewhat, but it packs quite a punch with devastating U-Turns and Bullet Punches.

The worst problem however is Dusclops. Simply put, Dusclops is bad. It's completely outclassed by any wall you might wanna use. Sure, Eviolite helps, but it doesn't make up for lack of recovery and horrid HP and Speed stats, not to mention that it can easily be taken advantage of and forced out. A stall battle with that thing will more than probably end in its defeat due to its lack of recovery. Knock Off is also present everywhere, and if you get hit by it you can pretty much kiss Dusclops goodbye. You want a wall, you can choose from a big range of mons that will do the job better. I'll suggest Chansey since you're looking for something specially defensive, but other stuff can do the job too, like Clefable, Gliscor or Jirachi. Anything is better, really.
Nice team Raizen. I think it looks like a semi stall team which in this case I would consider testing Bulky Garchomp set with Dragon Tail/Toxic . If you prefer the current set I'd recommend you to replace Fire Fang with Fire Blast with Naive nature instead of Jolly as it hits Ferrothorn for bigger damage but most importantly, ignores Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs and Rocky Helmet which it often carries.
Since Dusclops has Will-o-Wisp, you can replace it on Rotom-W for T-Wave in order to slow down fast threats that can outspeed your Mega Lopunny. ( Mostly choice scarfed targets).
About Scizor- I think that for a set up set with SD, U-Turn and Pursuit are not the best tools for sweeping. U-Turn forces you to switch and loose the SD boost while Pursuit doesn't hit much unless your opponent switches out. These moves are much better on a CB set since Scizor can come in and out to trap Ghosts and Psychic types or using U-Turn to gain momentum. You can replace Pursuit with Knock Off and U-Turn with Roost to keep your Scizor alive for more turns. Since Scizor is by no means a fast sweeper, you need to relay on its bulk. That is why I would recommend to take the EV's from Attack to Sp.Def , change it for Impish nature and replace Lum Berry with Leftovers. This way, your Scizor would be the closest thing to the Bulky SD Mega Scizor set.

Edit: Forgot to add about Garchomp that if you choose the current set- Focus Sash can be used over Rocky Helmet so you would be able to set up rocks and attack most of the times. You don't have much bulk to survive common hits.
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Running Scizor like it's Bulky SD Mega isn't a good course of action in my opinion. Scizor is just too weak in its vanilla form to pull a set like that, and its Special Defense is remarkably lower, so its efficiency is questionable at best. Choice Band is what I consider the best Scizor set if you're not running its Mega.
It is by no means bulky as Mega Scizor but it can be used as leftovers helps it a little with the missing bulk making the differences "not that bad" if you really want to use it and you already have a Mega:

252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 180 SpD Scizor: 168-199 (48.9 - 58%) -- 52.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 180 SpD Mega Scizor: 142-169 (41.3 - 49.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

0 SpA Clefable Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 180 SpD Scizor: 244-288 (71.1 - 83.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Clefable Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 180 SpD Mega Scizor: 208-248 (60.6 - 72.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 180 SpD Scizor: 135-160 (39.3 - 46.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 180 SpD Mega Scizor: 116-136 (33.8 - 39.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

However, I do agree that the CB set is much better. I thought that it suppose to fill the role of the set up sweeper but reading again it doesn't seems like it was the OP's intentions.
Chaos Jackal, I think you bring up some good points with Dusclops. I think Chansey would make a good alternative. I'm not likely to have access to a Chansey with Wish on my game card soon, so I think I might run Heal Bell or Aromatherapy on it, and maybe replace Sylveon's Heal Bell with Toxic.

Replacing Fire Fang with Fire Blast is something I was considering, so it does help to hear it from you guys. However, I'm finding it difficult to choose between the tank set and the offensive Stealth Rock set. They both seem pretty good, so perhaps I can raise both and then use what I happen to be in the mood for.

Thinking about it, having Swords Dance on Scizor doesn't seem that helpful, considering it would lose it's boosts once it switches out, something that would happen often. Scizor might benefit well from the following changes:
  • Exchange Lum Berry for Choice Band
  • Exchange Swords Dance for Knock Off
  • Possibly also exchange Pursuit for Superpower
Thanks again, guys. I'm open to more suggestions.
I think Superpower would be great to hit things that would like to switch into Scizor especially Magnezone which can trap Scizor. Superpower can also OHKO Heatran and put a huge damage on Ferrothorn. Pursuit traps Gengar and Lati@s but you have Knock Off and other teammates which can handle them both. (Mega Lopunny for Gengar and Sylveon+Chansey for Latios).
I just noticed that you have no way of removing hazards, as well as no Taunt. Is this intentional? With the way things are right now, many hazard setters can just litter your side with whatever they wish and there is little you can do back.
Give Gachomp some Evs in Sp.Atk and change Fire Fang to Flanethrower/Fire Blast since the elemental fangs are too weak without a STAB and can't take care easily even Ferothorn and Scizor.
Special Attack investment is unnecessary. All he needs to do when running Fire Blast is use Naive nature over Jolly, although even that can be omitted.

4 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 204-240 (57.9 - 68.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
4 SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 176-208 (52.6 - 62.2%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

There's no reason to invest on SpA, as you need a significant amount of EVs to turn the 2HKOs into OHKOs, at which point you've sacrificed a lot of Attack. And of course, none of this matters if he decides to go for TankChomp, which I consider to be the best choice due to its great synergy with Mega Lopunny.
Chansey can probably fulfill the role played by both Sylveon and Dusclops in this team. I might not have a Wish Chansey on Alpha Sapphire, but in a battle simulator, it wouldn't be a problem. If I do that, I can probably take out Sylveon and try Skarmory. That could bring a Defogger and Taunt, if I'd like to run them, and it would compliment Chansey pretty well. At that point, though, the team would have two very well-known and predictable cores.

I might update the above team later.