'Chilling Reign' Staff Promo Surfaces...?! All the Info!

Sweet Arceus- congrats to the person who pulled it! That is so unbelievably cool.
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Tournment organizers deserve staff promos to come back. This is great to see
On another note can we talk about how many prerelease promos came fresh out of the pack with heavy damage on this print run? I’ve never seen anything quite like it
Says he would only accept a huge offer...

doesn’t realise it’s no longer a one of a kind card and not worth a huge offer
Pokemon should do this but instead of staff promos it's some actually rare exclusive card like a gold version of the original promo. It would get more people going to pre releases which is my favorite kind of tournement
This begs the question - if they had Staff promos printed, why did they discontinue them BEFORE distributing these? What was the problem with them, exactly? This looks to me more like a technological/pipeline problem.
2 of a kind is still incredibly scarce I mean c'mon

Things only really have value if someone wants to buy them. The last thing someone would want is to have paid big money for one of these then TPCi starts printing these exact promos again and suddenly your purchase is next to worthless.
This begs the question - if they had Staff promos printed, why did they discontinue them BEFORE distributing these? What was the problem with them, exactly? This looks to me more like a technological/pipeline problem.

My theory is that TCPi really only wanted to put a brief moratorium on Staff promos until the supply chain was normalized and events could start back up.

Before they stopped making the promos, Judges and Organizers like myself were basically at the mercy of the kindness of the LGS to give us the cards. They technically aren't allowed to sell them, so it shouldn't matter what other people are selling them for. But while some people got the cards that they were supposed to receive, others didn't. And since one couldn't be sure who was selling what, I guess TCPi said "eff it" and put the brakes on the whole thing.

There's also the supposed "ethics" of judges selling promos that can be connected to this, but that's a loooooooong conversation.
Before they stopped making the promos, Judges and Organizers like myself were basically at the mercy of the kindness of the LGS to give us the cards. They technically aren't allowed to sell them, so it shouldn't matter what other people are selling them for. But while some people got the cards that they were supposed to receive, others didn't. And since one couldn't be sure who was selling what, I guess TCPi said "eff it" and put the brakes on the whole thing.
If your LGS isn't giving you the rewards and compensation you deserve, then report them and, most importantly, stop supporting that LGS with your labor.