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Recently got back into playing Pokemon tcg! This is the first deck I've built in years. And I do mean YEARS. Anyway any criticism is welcomed. And I promise I'm a quick learner so if anyone would like to teach me how the metagame works nowadays that'd be great! :)

4 - Gible
3 - Gabite
4 - Garchomp
3 - Swablu
3 - Altaria

2 - Copycat
1 - Ultraball
2 - Super Rod
2 - Rescue Scarf
3 - Cheren
3 - Level Ball
4 - Professor Juniper
4 - Rare Candy
4 - N
2 - Tool Scrapper
4 - Pokemon Catcher

8 - Fighting
4 - Blen WLFM

Breakdown/Things I'm not sure about:
- Rescue Scarf for getting Altraia back right away.
- Super Rod not sure if I need more/less of these.
- Tool Scrapper getting rid of Eviolite and helping against Garbodor.
- Emolga used to have 2 in, but felt like it was doing more harm than good.
- Landorus EX, thinking it might be good to tech in to help vs Darkrai.
- Level Ball useful for getting Swablu and Gabite .
- Rare Candy maybe only 3?
- Altaria should I max out the line?
- Feel like I may have too few Pokemon, but at the same time know it's all the deck needs.
Here's a list I used a Regionals:
4-3-4 Garchomp
3-3 Altaria
1 Emolga

4 N
4 Cheren
3 Juniper
4 Level Ball
4 Catcher
3 Random Reciever
3 Rare Candy
2 Max Potion
2 Super Rod
2 Ultra Ball

7 Fighting Energy
4 Blend WFML

Also: Copycat is now out of format
the meta game goes like this, catcher catcher catcher on your altarias.
then your garchomp isn't doing enough damage to KO'd a Pignite.
and we begin to slowly torture those ugly things.

If you're going to play any type of garchomp.
vs the meta, garchomp/terrakion or garchomp/stunfisk
is the way to go. garchomp can 1hko rayquaza and the terrakion for the darkrais.
or in other cases, stunfisk locks darkrai and hits for 80 because weakness and most darkrai decks dont run switch.
ashtavakra said:
the meta game goes like this, catcher catcher catcher on your altarias.
then your garchomp isn't doing enough damage to KO'd a Pignite.
and we begin to slowly torture those ugly things.

If you're going to play any type of garchomp.
vs the meta, garchomp/terrakion or garchomp/stunfisk
is the way to go. garchomp can 1hko rayquaza and the terrakion for the darkrais.
or in other cases, stunfisk locks darkrai and hits for 80 because weakness and most darkrai decks dont run switch.

Garchomp doesn't work well with anything other than Altaria. If they "catcher, catcher, catcher" Altarias then that gives you 3 more turns with an undamaged Garchomp, and you will ultimately win the game. The worst mistake that can happen when fighting a Garchomp/Altaria is to take multiple turns to KO Altaria's. I've also tried both GarTerra and StunChomp, but both pale in comparison to GarTaria.
Keeper of Night said:
ashtavakra said:
the meta game goes like this, catcher catcher catcher on your altarias.
then your garchomp isn't doing enough damage to KO'd a Pignite.
and we begin to slowly torture those ugly things.

If you're going to play any type of garchomp.
vs the meta, garchomp/terrakion or garchomp/stunfisk
is the way to go. garchomp can 1hko rayquaza and the terrakion for the darkrais.
or in other cases, stunfisk locks darkrai and hits for 80 because weakness and most darkrai decks dont run switch.

Garchomp doesn't work well with anything other than Altaria. If they "catcher, catcher, catcher" Altarias then that gives you 3 more turns with an undamaged Garchomp, and you will ultimately win the game. The worst mistake that can happen when fighting a Garchomp/Altaria is to take multiple turns to KO Altaria's. I've also tried both GarTerra and StunChomp, but both pale in comparison to GarTaria.

I guess it depends on where you play and the meta in your area.
Everything I see out there is darkrai variants or eels.
If Garchomp altaria was any good it would have at least topped in a battle roads
or something.. the 1 garchomp deck i've seen that does any decent was gar/terrakion.
and it was played by Newman. it won 1 battle roads. it has flopped everything else.
From my testing, I like 4-4 Altaria. They only have 70 hp, so they get one-shotted by Raikou. Because of this, I don't like rescue scarf because if there's not already a swablu on the field, you have to wait a turn to get your Altaria. I also don't suggest any techs because one tech really screws your consistency. Like you said you might try landorus ex, but imagine what if you started with it. So I would do
-2 Rescue Scarf
+ 1-1 Altaria
Other than that everything looks OK.
ashtavakra said:
I guess it depends on where you play and the meta in your area.
Everything I see out there is darkrai variants or eels.
If Garchomp altaria was any good it would have at least topped in a battle roads
or something.. the 1 garchomp deck i've seen that does any decent was gar/terrakion.
and it was played by Newman. it won 1 battle roads. it has flopped everything else.
I placed 4th at a BR in Peoria, AZ. Also got 1st in a BR in Henderson, NV. Then made top cut at NorCal Regionals, and all with the deck list I posted earlier.
My area seems to be all over the place :p
Garchomp Doesn't Work "/ Its a good deck and everything I've been using it since the Dragons Exalted Pre Release and yea it has a VERY hard time against Darkrai/Hydreigon and any type of Eel deck. The way the game is right now is simple.. if you cant 1HKO or Disrupt Energy Severely You're not going to win
MamsPokemon said:
Garchomp Doesn't Work "/ Its a good deck and everything I've been using it since the Dragons Exalted Pre Release and yea it has a VERY hard time against Darkrai/Hydreigon and any type of Eel deck. The way the game is right now is simple.. if you cant 1HKO or Disrupt Energy Severely You're not going to win

Really? Darkrai/Hydriegon is my best match up with this deck. I only have a hard time with some Eels decks, like the ones running 3 Raquaza DV. And Garchomp does have energy disruption, it discards special energy off the opponet, which is really helpful against Hydriegon.
Infinity said:
How is it good against Hydreigon? They rip apart your set up. Garchomp sucks vs Hydreigon.

idk, it just does for me. I've gone 6-2 in my testing of GarTaria vs Darkrai/Hydriegon. And at Regionals, I played 4 Darkrai decks, only lost to 1, and it was close.
- 2 Copycat
- 2 Rescue Scarf
- 1 Juniper
- 1 N
+ 2 Emolga
+ 1 Terrakion NV
+ 1 Random Reciever
+ 1 Level Ball
+ 1 Fighting Energy
Copycat is out of format - it was rotated out as things became BW-on. Rescue Scarf just don't help that much in my experience. If someone wants to knock out an Altaria, they'll do it whether or not you've got a scarf. And then it takes 2 more turns to set up the Altaria again which only slows the deck down and gives another easier free knock out, assuming they don't just catcher up your Swablu for an even easier knockout. Juniper and N are overkill if you're running 4, simple as that. Emolga is wonderful thing for setting up. I have seen a lot of variation in amounts of Emolga run, but 2 has always been very consistent for me. I have never really needed 4 because they turn into dead draws, but 1 seems like too much of a gamble for setting up. I'd sit at a solid 2-3 Emolga. Terrakion covers your concern for covering Darkrai; it is an easy 1 energy revenge kill or you can load it up to OHKO a normal Darkrai, but unfortunately 2HKO one with an Eviolite. RR is great if you're in a tough spot and are in need of a good supporter. Luckily, you seem to only be running Juniper, N, and Cheren so it looks like you'll almost always run into a good one with an RR. I'm suggesting a 4th Level Ball just for the sake of consistency. Altaria and Swablu, along with Gible and Gabite can be searched out with them and any deck that plays a stage 2 with the basic/stage 1s at 90- HP should run 4. It is very consistent and makes for a better deck. Finally, I just like 8 Fighting. Don't ask why, but I've tried varying the amounts and 8 is always a very solid amount in case you Juniper a few or lose some with getting knocked out.
But for the most part, your list looks great! It's a very solid start for coming back to the TCG after a few years. I wish you luck! :)
Keeper of Night said:
MamsPokemon said:
Garchomp Doesn't Work "/ Its a good deck and everything I've been using it since the Dragons Exalted Pre Release and yea it has a VERY hard time against Darkrai/Hydreigon and any type of Eel deck. The way the game is right now is simple.. if you cant 1HKO or Disrupt Energy Severely You're not going to win

Really? Darkrai/Hydriegon is my best match up with this deck. I only have a hard time with some Eels decks, like the ones running 3 Raquaza DV. And Garchomp does have energy disruption, it discards special energy off the opponet, which is really helpful against Hydriegon.

I've beat Darkrai/Hydreigon as well, but have lost more than won against them. Nobody is going to put Hydreigon with a Blend energy as the active unless they're going to Knock you out. If you Catch their Hydreigon in, it means you're going to 1HKO it, so that energy disruption doesn't really matter anymore.
Eels are beast with or without the DV Rayquaza, Raikou Sniping your Altaria and the Rayquaza preparing to Dragon Blast you = if you didn't KO the Tynamo in the first 3 turns you're not going to be taking your 6 prizes
MamsPokemon said:
I've beat Darkrai/Hydreigon as well, but have lost more than won against them. Nobody is going to put Hydreigon with a Blend energy as the active unless they're going to Knock you out. If you Catch their Hydreigon in, it means you're going to 1HKO it, so that energy disruption doesn't really matter anymore.
Eels are beast with or without the DV Rayquaza, Raikou Sniping your Altaria and the Rayquaza preparing to Dragon Blast you = if you didn't KO the Tynamo in the first 3 turns you're not going to be taking your 6 prizes
Actually, Eels isn't hard if you know what you're doing. As soon as they bench a Tynamo, you KO it. Which isn't always easy, but it also helps if they only have 1 Eel out instead of 2-3. And once they bench Raikou, KOing it won't be a problem because you can 2HKO it, and Raquaza EX can also be OHKOd. The only problem I have against Eels is when I start with only 1-2 pokemon, don't go first, don't get any more basics, and they start with Raquaza DV. And this doesn't happen often.
Keeper of Night said:
MamsPokemon said:
I've beat Darkrai/Hydreigon as well, but have lost more than won against them. Nobody is going to put Hydreigon with a Blend energy as the active unless they're going to Knock you out. If you Catch their Hydreigon in, it means you're going to 1HKO it, so that energy disruption doesn't really matter anymore.
Eels are beast with or without the DV Rayquaza, Raikou Sniping your Altaria and the Rayquaza preparing to Dragon Blast you = if you didn't KO the Tynamo in the first 3 turns you're not going to be taking your 6 prizes
Actually, Eels isn't hard if you know what you're doing. As soon as they bench a Tynamo, you KO it. Which isn't always easy, but it also helps if they only have 1 Eel out instead of 2-3. And once they bench Raikou, KOing it won't be a problem because you can 2HKO it, and Raquaza EX can also be OHKOd. The only problem I have against Eels is when I start with only 1-2 pokemon, don't go first, don't get any more basics, and they start with Raquaza DV. And this doesn't happen often.

The only way you can KO a Tynamo fast is if you start with a Stunkfisk and he starts with a tynamo and you go first.

Other than that all it takes is one turn for them to evolve and be out of the 1 HKO zone.
Its easier for them to Ultra Ball Evolve
than for you to Get a Gible Garchomp Candy Energy 2xSwablu 2xAltaria

Im just saying out of personal experience. I play against Eels and Darkrai everyday and they are better decks than Garchomp.

Regardless back on topic of this post, Yea its an easy deck to run specially if you're new or returning to the game