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What's up?
I've been thinking about new decks, and I've decided to go with SP. I'm planning on making this after Christmas, if I get enough cards in it/money/gift cards to make it. Anyways, I've been testing this deck on Redshark versus some top-tier decks (LuxChomp, DialgaChomp, ChenLock) and this deck is consistently winning. Anyways, here it is.

It's a bit of an SP Toolbox that focuses on Garchomp C X and Honchkrow G.


2 Garchomp C
2 Garchomp C Level X
3 Honchkrow G
2 Crobat G
1 Promocroak
2 Toxicroak G
1 Skuntank G
2 Uxie
1 Azelf

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Power Spray
4 Energy Gain
4 PokeTurn
3 SP Radar
1 Luxury Ball
1 Premier Ball
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's
2 Judge
1 Aaron's
2 Galactic HQ

6 psychic energy
3 Dark energy
2 Special Dark


Simple. Win however you can. You snipe with Honchy, Bats, and Chomp to score kills. You can also EarthQuake with Chomp to hit the active. Promocroak is useful as a backup attacker and tech for Luxray. The ToxiTank (and Galactic HQ) is for the non-SP decks. Uxie is for draw, and Azelf is for switching out prizes.

I play Judges and Power Spray for some disruption. I only play 2 Collectors because I can still get out Pokemon well. Bebe's is for plain searching. Everything else in the T/S/S/ is pretty self-explanatory.

Energy is kinda weird. I play six psychic to provide for Toxicroak, Promocroak, Azelf, and Garchomp if need be. I play 3 regular dark so I can search it out for Honchkrow, and 2 Special dark to up Honchy's damage to the active. 3 DCE because I don't want to go overboard on them, and so far 3 has been a good amount. 4 is too much for this deck because I have so many different attackers.

Anyways, please comment and help!