Choosing the Best Booster Boxes to Buy


Aspiring Trainer

I am not sure if this falls under the "which deck should I play" category but I am just starting out and am looking for opinions on things to buy. I am looking at picking up 1 or 2 booster boxes, not looking for single recommendations but rather whole sets to buy into to start and maybe expand another booster box or two at/around xmas.

I was thinking 1 flashfyre and 1 breakthrough unless someone can tell me which/why I should go for others.

I have access to almost all of the XY stuff as well as promos such as Hoopa-EX and packs like that.

Thank you very much for your input.
One Roaring Skies and one Phantom Forces is probably the way to go. Phantom Forces has a ton of staple cards and a bunch of good cards overall. Roaring Skies has Shaymin-EX in it which is probably the most expensive competitive card in the game right now.