Please CML for T-tar prime, SEL full, and Smeargle UD. I have from your wants:
dbl colorless energy
pokemon communication
4xpoke healer
4xpoke drawer
4x cynthias guiance
RH rescue energys
RH interviewer's
RH machopsSF&Trium/machampsTrium
RH larvitar50/95UN/pupitarUN&SF
i need 4x larvitar (mountain eater) rh mint if possible and 1 sf pupitar rh (either energy -dmg body)
3 sf machops rh and 2 triumphant rh machokes all mint if you have
lmk if you have those please. and 4 healer/drawer and cynthias 3x rh interviewers
I'm interested in your:
4x donphan prime
2mew prime
1magnezone prime
ho-oh shiny COL
1bts (1rh)
1 unknown q (1rh very very minor scratches)
7x hgss dbl colorless
I don't have any rh of the larvitar or machop sf, i do have 1 rh pupitar SF (energy protection), 1 RH machoke TM, 4x Poke drawer+, 4x poke healer+ 1x RH, 1x RH Machamp TM, 4x Cynthia's Guidance, and 3x RH interviewer's. I could do you SEL full and 1x Smeargle UD for all of the above. LMK or counter.
im out of collectors sorry and its to heavy to you
you have any of my wants?
so this is what i need
1 machoke tri rh 1 larvitar mtn eter rh 4 poke healers 4 cynthias guidance 1 pachi col
what do you value those at ? lmk thanks
i dont have that figure? but i meant what can i add to make that trade work from my cards.
rarecandy im only trading the ttars as a playset how many hgss dce do you have? (seekers and communication i only need RH)