Boracay_Jason said:
User name: Boracay_Jason
Pokemon Species:Garchomp
Normal/Shiny:Shiny ( It wouldn't matter
Your favorite Christmas cookie: GINGERBREAD WOMAN! I mean Ginger Bread >.<
lol, I love Ginger bread cookies; anything from men to houses. XD Sure thing, I'll PM ya when it's finished, bud! :3
bonsly1994 said:
User name: (or other name to be place on the avatar to prevent theft) bonsly1994
Pokemon Species: bonsly
Normal/Shiny: normal
Your favorite Christmas cookie: (just random, won't affect your avatar, but I'd like to know! 8D) choclate chip
For sure! =) I'll PM ya when I finish, k? 8D
Flygon said:
User name: (or other name to be place on the avatar to prevent theft) FlygonSin
Pokemon Species:Flygon (duh)
Normal/Shiny: Normal
Your favorite Christmas cookie: (just random, won't affect your avatar, but I'd like to know! 8D) Chocolate Chip. XD
lol, awesome! =) Flygons are cool. x]
KamikazE said:
Username: Kamikaze
Pokemon Species: Darkrai
Normal/Shiny: Normal
Fovourite cookie:Choco-LAte-CheAp
Awesome! Would it be okay if I make you a shiny Darkrai, though, since someone else already requested a normal one? =)