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christophervigliotti's trade thead

I don't have 2 Ursaring Prime. Here is an offer:

Absol G Lv. X
Charizard G Lv. X

x2 Kangaskan
x2 Misty's Seadra Pre Realease
RH Emboar
x2 Zorua


PokemonRulez101 said:
I don't have 2 Ursaring Prime. Here is an offer:

Absol G Lv. X
Charizard G Lv. X

x2 Kangaskan
x2 Misty's Seadra Pre Realease
RH Emboar
x2 Zorua

Your Charizard has tape on the back of it, so I'm not interested in it...I'll do your Absol G Lv X and your Rhyperior Lv. X for the above.
Shiny Shinx said:
My: 4x Bebe's Search

Your: 2x Misty's Seadra Prerelease


Please provide me with details on which Bebe's Search card you have

reposting this reply because I did not include what I was responding to the last time...

LillipupFTW said:
We send at the same time. Did you CML for the Reshirams?

I did, but I don't have anything else that you want at the moment, so lets go with the your Original Raichu for my Pidove & Watchog. My address is...

Christopher Vigliotti
819 East A Street
Brunswick, MD 21716

Lets both send cards in individual sleeves with cardboard reinforcement in an envelope. Please add delivery confirmation and ship this Saturday. Sound good?
LillipupFTW said:
Actually can we do:


Reshiram FA, Promo

Just saw your post...lets go with the trade we discussed earlier (Original Raichu for my Pidove & Watchog) or just skip it all together. I don't have a Reshiram FA...that's on my "cards I'm looking for" list. If you agree send address and lets both ship NEXT Saturday...otherwise I'll pass for now.


LillipupFTW said:
Yeah, but I don't need the Pidove.

Then why did you ask for it before? Never mind...lets skip it for now.
christophervigliotti said:
Your Charizard has tape on the back of it, so I'm not interested in it...I'll do your Absol G Lv X and your Rhyperior Lv. X for the above.
Okay. PM me details.
Wait, It seems like I can get some Rare JPN cards for Absol G Lv. X so is it okay if I replace Absol with my Darkrai Lv. X?