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Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
2 Reshiram EX
2 Mewtwo EX
3-2 Cinccino (Smooth Coat)
4-3 Amoonguss
2 Victini (Victory Star= Flipptini)

8 {R}
4 {C}{C}

4 Collector
3 N
3 Seeker
3 Juniper

2 Switch
3 Level Ball
2 P-Com
3 Junk Arm
3 Catcher

Strategy:With the ability from cinccino and amoonguss i got a 75% chance that cinccino get no damage. Reshiram EX is one of my main attacker, but i need a Flipptini for the second attack from Reshiram EX, because i have no Energy acceleration.
Mewtwo Ex is for revenge killing.

Post your comments and help me to improve this deck!
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

You should take out at least 2 seekers and add in super scoop up, because it doesn't waste your supporter for the turn.
A vileplume would also be nice, if you can make room. If you do add vileplume, then you would use seekers instead of SSU.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

Victory Star doesn't effect PokePower flips.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

i belive he means when he confuses with amoongus
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

The only thing in this deck that can use Victory Star is Reshiram EX, plus Amoonguss' Rising Lunge attack. Then again, who attacks with Amoonguss, really?
Take the Victini out; it's wasted space. Unless you want to go steamroller Brave Fire or something.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

I would max out Level Ball instead of 2 Communications. You can get all of your Evos with Level Ball so that should definitely be maxed out.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

Victiny is for reshiram's Brave Fire attack because i can't get the energy back when i flip a tail for it's attack, so with victiny i have a 50 to 50 chance to have the energies in play.

iisnumber12: which card i should when i take out the two p-coms and max out my level balls?
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

What do you mean you can't get the energy back for reshiram EX? I'm pretty sure that reshiram EX's coin flip decides whether or not it does damage to itself.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

Zekrom EX discards 2 Energy, not reshi. And I'd add a 4th N for the 2nd com.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

i think reshiram is pointless in this, especially since he takes so many energies to do anything extremely effective.
maybe try other things lol..
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

Ok i'll take the Victinis and the Reshirams out so i have 4 new spaces.

Sorry that i mistake Zekrom Ex and Reshiram Ex.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

Maybe Vileplume? It slows the deck down, but you're massively weak to both Catcher and Switch.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

I'd rather not because it takes up space in the deck and on your bench and you would have to go through the trouble of setting it up and everything. I think the cons would outweigh the pros.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

Well, I'm thinking retool the deck to work with the Vileplume. Vileplume/Amoonguss with Cinccino as the main attacker rather than getting a Reshiram and a Victini ready to go. What else is there to replace the Reshi/Fliptini with, besides more TSS?
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

priestkalim said:
Well, I'm thinking retool the deck to work with the Vileplume. Vileplume/Amoonguss with Cinccino as the main attacker rather than getting a Reshiram and a Victini ready to go. What else is there to replace the Reshi/Fliptini with, besides more TSS?

if he can play it right, that deck is very dominant.

no switches and no catchers.
also you have to flip 2 times if you didn't blow the energies to retreat just to do damage to cinccino.

i have seen the deck run and it can be dominant if fast enough and consistent enough.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

I played against an eel-deck and i have to say, that i lost because my opponent was able to activate his catcher and his junk arm.
I beside to add a 3-1-2 line vileplume and my deck looks like that:

2 Mewtwo Ex
3-1-2 Vileplume
4-3 Amoonguss
3-2 Cinccino

3 Candy
3 Catcher
3 Junk Arm
2 Level Ball

4 N
4 Collector
4 Juniper
3 Seeker
1 FSL (Because i play a low Cinncino-Line)

6 {G}
4 {C}{C}

rileysill32 said:
if he can play it right, that deck is very dominant.

no switches and no catchers.
also you have to flip 2 times if you didn't blow the energies to retreat just to do damage to cinccino.

i have seen the deck run and it can be dominant if fast enough and consistent enough.

I'm not a very good player. I began to play Pokemon two months ago
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

I would cut 4 Grass for 4 Rescue because you have a low attacker line and you only need colorless energy anyway.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

When i play with 4 rescue energies my FSL has no point in this deck, so i have to put it out and i have one left space, which card should i add?
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

I'd cut another something, probably a Trainer since you're locking them, and up the Cinccino to 4-3. But I like high attacker lines, so if 3-2 works for you then stick with it, by all means. Maybe just direct FSL for third Cinccino and play 3-3.

That said, FSL isn't actually dead against Durant decks.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

priestkalim said:
I'd cut another something, probably a Trainer since you're locking them, and up the Cinccino to 4-3. But I like high attacker lines, so if 3-2 works for you then stick with it, by all means. Maybe just direct FSL for third Cinccino and play 3-3.

That said, FSL isn't actually dead against Durant decks.

This is my Problem my 3-2 Cinccino-Line is not constant, most time i don't get one of them out.

Here are my changes:
- 4 {G}
- Candy

+ 1-1 cinccino
+ 4 Rescue