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Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

That looks better, though I might have cut a Junk Arm or Catcher instead of the Candy due to the importance of seeing Vileplume on the field asap.
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

Why are you running 3 catchers and 3 junk arms with Vileplume!? I'd definately take those out for something to get out Vileplume quickly and consistently (communication and/or Sage's come to mind). I have heard of people running "surprise" Catchers, but never a Junk Arm. You should want Vileplume out before you would want to reuse a trainer.

Whoops, just realized Professor Pokemon wasn't the OP and that that wasn't this thread's decklist. Ignore this... Or don't...
RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX

I made one change maybe it is not so important but most time i play i didnT have any draw supporters in my hand so:

- 3 Junk Arm
- 1 N ( 4 N are way to much)

+ 3 Sage's
+ 1 Candy