@JimboJumbo: Those are some nice ideas, I'll have to try a few of them out
I know about Collector...and since it will probably be rotated anyways I was going to drop it sometime soon. Just probably not altogether yet. I actually really like Sage's. I've tried the deck without it before and it just seems as if it needs them or something...J-Arm will probably be rotated as well so I'll put in my Ultra Balls then...maybe..I dunno xP And yes, I was actually considering dropping Thundurus for something else..though maybe not Pichu.
@iisnumber12: Zoroark might be an ok tech..but I'm going to have to find room for him
And, after more testing I feel that 1 Mewtwo is just right for this deck. He's only for other Mewtwo so it's not like I plan on getting into any Mewtwo wars or anything, if I can help it.
@iisnumber12: Zoroark might be an ok tech..but I'm going to have to find room for him