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Cinccino / Moltres EX


Aspiring Trainer
Hi folks,

Posting for my 10 y/o son...

Pokemon 15
  • 4 Minccino (EP)
  • 4 Cinccino (BW)
  • 3 Moltres EX (PS)
  • 2 Emolga (DE)
  • 2 Mr. Mime (PF)
Trainers 24
  • 3 Cheren
  • 4 Colress Machine
  • 3 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Professer Juniper
  • 3 Switch
  • 2 Plasma Ball
  • 3 Superior Energy
  • 3 Energy Search
Energy 21
  • 4 Plasma
  • 13 Fire
  • 4 Double Colorless
Use Emolga's Call for Family to summon Cinccinos and Moltres EX to the bench (with Mr. Mime protecting them). Once the benched Pokemon are loaded up, activate them for their powerful attacks.
Why Plasma Ball? You don't have any Plasma Pokemon... Colress Machine also doesn't do anything because you don't have any Plasma Pokemon. Also, 3 Supporters isn't going to cut it, I would suggest getting more than that. If you are having trouble making room, take out the Plasma Ball, Plasma Energy, and Colress Machine. 17 energy is also quite a bit. Finally, having 6 Call For Family Pokemon is a bit much. Once you are set up, the attack is worthless. I hope I don't sound too mean, I just want to help you improve your deck.
wrags23 said:
Why Plasma Ball? You don't have any Plasma Pokemon... Colress Machine also doesn't do anything because you don't have any Plasma Pokemon. Also, 3 Supporters isn't going to cut it, I would suggest getting more than that. If you are having trouble making room, take out the Plasma Ball, Plasma Energy, and Colress Machine. 17 energy is also quite a bit. Finally, having 6 Call For Family Pokemon is a bit much. Once you are set up, the attack is worthless. I hope I don't sound too mean, I just want to help you improve your deck.

I do believe Moltres EX is a plasma pokemon. so plasma ball, energy & colress machine will work with it. Also that Emolga is the only pokemon with call for family, the NDX Minccino has call for family, not the EP one.

However I think both the Minccino & Cinccino are being rotated out in the new format, so you may want to change that line with something else. Again, there is also of energy, way more than I would usually expect to see in a deck. I would be tempted to cut the fire down to about 6-7.

Also your running 3 Hypnotoxic lasers. I would add another in to make it 4 & then add in a Virbank City Gym (stadium) or 2, there a must for any deck with lasers. Hope this helped.
Thanks, guys; and Rushey, your observations were spot-on about Moltres EX and Emolga.

He's mainly playing in a local store league which uses a B+W constructed format (not Modified), so I think Minccino & Cinccino will be fine for a while, until he decides to take it to a higher level.

Thanks again.