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Aspiring Trainer
Just a deck idea I've had for some time, please give back any constructive feedback you can to help better the deck.

Strategy: Pichu helps setup quickly, early beats with Cinccino/Yanmega, late game sweeps with Machamp; fairly straightforward.

4-4 Cinccino BW
3-3 Yanmega Prime
2-1-2 Machamp Prime
2 Pichu HGSS

3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Judge
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Cheren
2 CopyCat
1 Max Potion
4 Junk Arm
2 Professor Oaks New Theory

9 Fighting
4 Double Colorless
First I would remove 1 machop and 1 machamp because you won't need 3 machamp out in one game. So:
-1 machop
-1 machamp
I would then add in 2 more copycat for yanmega to use. You need at least 6 of the copycat/judge to have it when you need it.
+2 copycat

Do you feel comfortable removing 1 rare candy?
Yeah, by dropping the -1 machop, and -1 machamp, dropping -1 rare candy would be absolutely fine with me. And the reason I run the 2 copycats, instead of the traditional 4, is because (in my experience with playtesting), 2 copycats always have worked out better than the traditional 4. It helps me late game, when it will most likely be a dead draw at that point. Do you like the pokemon lineup I've choosen? (Cinccino, Machamp, Yangmega)? Is there any other pokemon that comes to mind, that could fit in my deck?