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Cinchamp.(Cincinno and Machamp Prime.)


Aspiring Trainer
Taking a swing at a Machamp Prime/Cincinno deck for battle roads.

~3-2 Donphan Prime.
~3-2 Cincinno BW.
~4-2-2/1 Machamp Prime/Machamp SF.
~1 Uxie. LA
~1 Spiritomb.

Total : 21.
Basic : 12.

- 2 Expert Belt.
- 2 Pokemon Comm.
- 4 Rare Candy
- 3 Pokedex.
- 1 Scoop Ups.
- 1 Lux ball.
- 2 Poke radar.
- 1 Warp Point.

Total Trainers : 16

- 3 Seeker.
- 2 Professor Juniper.
- 2 Professor Oaks New Theory.
- 1 Pokemon Collector.
- 2 Bebe's Search.

Total : 10

- 2 DCE.
- 11 Fighting.

Total : 13

Basic Strategy : Get out Cincinno/Donphan on second turn for some quick ko's. Fighting tag with Machamp prime, rinse and repeat. And of course Machamp SF is there for any sp/legend encounters.

Harsh Criticism Welcome, as well as card suggestions.
If you're going to run Cinccino, I'd try a few more Pokemon Collectors. Because More Pokemon on your Bench= More Powerful Do The Wave.
T-Peezy said:
If you're going to run Cinccino, I'd try a few more Pokemon Collectors. Because More Pokemon on your Bench= More Powerful Do The Wave.

Thanks for the feedback. I do agree 100%, after the rotation when i'm forced to edit i'll throw out poke-radars for them. But as of now, after testing the deck, there isn't really a necessity for them. I actually cut 2 out because I kept running into the collectors in the late game, wasting my draw.
~3-2 Donphan Prime.
~3-2 Cincinno BW.
~4-2-2/1 Machamp Prime/Machamp SF.
~1 Uxie. LA
~1 Spiritomb.

Total : 21.
Basic : 12.

- 2 Expert Belt.
- 2 Pokemon Comm.
- 4 Rare Candy
- 3 Pokedex.
- 1 Scoop Ups.
- 1 Lux ball.
- 2 Poke radar.
- 1 Warp Point.

Total Trainers : 16

- 2 Professor Juniper.
- 2 Professor Oaks New Theory.
- 4 Pokemon Collector.
- 2 Bebe's Search.

Total : 10

- 2 DCE.
- 11 Fighting.

Total : 13

+3 collector
-1 seeker
-2 Pokeradar

-3 Pokedex
+2 Juniper
+1 POkemon Communication

-1 scoop up
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Machop
-1 Cinncino
+3 Spiritomb
+1 Unown Q
+1 Uxie

If you have a starter like spiritomb, you want 4 of them. Trust me that you want 4 collectors - if you draw into them late game and they clog your hand, get rid of them with juniper! Unown Q to synergize with Spiritomb, with your added basics you can run 3-2-3 machamp 2-2 donphan 2-2 cinncino... I also added another uxie. What if your uxie is prized?
I would play it like this :

21 Pokémon :

~2-2 Donphan Prime.
~2-2 Cincinno BW.
~3-2-2/1 Machamp Prime/Machamp SF.
~1 Uxie LA
~4 Pichu HS

26 T/S/S :

- 2 Expert Belt.
- 2 Pokemon Comm.
- 4 Rare Candy
- 3 Pokedex.
- 2 Revive
- 1 Lux ball.
- 1 Warp Point.
- 2 Professor Juniper.
- 2 Professor Oaks New Theory.
- 4 Pokemon Collector.
- 3 Bebe's Search.

13 Energy cards :

- 4 DCE.
- 9 Fighting.