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Cinpluff. Thought of this in a dream!


Aspiring Trainer

2-2 Cinccino
3-2-3 Jumpluff
2-2 Sunflora
2-2 Zoroark
3 Pichu

Trainers etc: 22

3x Interviewer's
2x Flower Shop Lady
2x Team Rockets Trickery
3x Super Scoop Up
2x Rare Candy
3x Pokemon Circulator
3x Pokeball

Energy: 15
9x Grass
3x Rescue
3x Double Colorless

The strategy is to start with Pichu to get 2 Minccino, 2 Hoppip, and a Sunkern. If your opponent chooses to fill up their bench, its only going to hurt them later. Then you want to build up to Cinccino, get to if possible Jumpluff, and Sunflora. Use sunshine grace to get whatever grass pokemon you may need. Basically how it works is if your opponent filled up their bench, use Jumpluff's Mass Attack to do up to 120. If they didn't then your bench is full and you can use Cinccino's Do The Wave for 100. If things don't go as planned, the Zoroark can help out later.
-1 grass for a dce. you need four dce in this deck for it to work well. -1 IQ for a seeker. 3 IQ in a lower energy demanding deck is too much. Seeker can pick up a hurt pokemon or help with ending the game quicker (if you are attacking with cinccino) or instead add a twins because you can easily get behind on prizes. Since most meta decks will be able to easily do 90 a turn. Good Luck
Pichu is a bad card in this deck. Drop the Pichu for Cleffa which will actually help you get set up...
ashinto said:
Pichu is a bad card in this deck. Drop the Pichu for Cleffa which will actually help you get set up...

Can you explain why Pichu is a bad starter :smashcomp?! IMO Pichu is a very good starter that helps the deck's main purpose.
Yes, please explain why Pichu is bad. The pichu will let me search fort mincinnos, Hoppip, and Sunkern. And if my opponent takes the bait, it just sets up my Jumpluff to do more! All Cleffa will do is let me shuffle my hand which is what PONT is for. But I am open if you can make sense of why it's better. :)
Pichu is a bad starter because in this slow format it allows the opponent to set up very quickly. And Cleffa is better than PONT because it doesn't waste a supporter. It is an incredibly good card, and much better than Pichu in this format, and therefore, this deck.
If you really want to get your bench set up, play Stantler.
I can see how Stanford would be ok, but is everyone missing the point that I kinda WANT my opponent to have a full bench?
Where do you get Stanford lol?

And the opponent's bench will fill up. Use Cinccino as your attacker if your opponent's bench is not full. They will have to fill it up if they want to be able to get through 100+ damage every turn.
Sorry, autocorrect on my phone put Stanford instead of stantler.

Ok, I can see that point. Especially if I'm going against any fire, having them get set up will hurt me in the end. Thanks!