Cities with a bad cardpool.

vilebaseball said:
That's a very low supply for three people. It's good to have the cards for several decks if you're able to make several decks. It's like me going around and buying only a couple pieces to various puzzles. Not going to help much if I don't have at least one complete one while I wait on the others.

Still, you do understand how off-putting it is to trade off cards you've spent money on, right? Especially cards that are already in low supply in your city?

At the moment, I've talked to at least thirty other players, and I'm the only one who currently owns a Leafeon Lv.X. o.o;
Then make a Leafeon Lv. X deck and get rid of the others. I think it's less fun not being able to play (well) at all.

You have 3 choices:

1) Trade to get better cards (and if you want better cards, you'll have to trade better cards)
2) Get a job, quick, and buy better cards
3) Play at cities with a deck you know you won't win with

If you don't like option one, and I assume you've already thought of option two and it's not working for some reason, then post what you have in the deck garage and they may be able to help you get through one or two rounds.
I've been trying to get a job since summer break. I've been turned away due to lack of experience each and every time. =\

Obviously I've been trying to trade for better cards, too. =\
Yes, with bad cards. If you want good cards, you have to trade good cards. Either pick one deck and trade the other good cards to get the good ones for the deck you choose, or just hope that you draw what you need.