Update! 2 Hacked shiny Arceus.
House_of_Wolves said:I will trade you a hypno for a pokerus-infected pokemon...
House_of_Wolves said:so when do you want to trade?...
Junichi said:Im really interested in an Arceus*. I can give you a clamperl*, or see my thread for more.
(Even if it is hacked, it's still awesome.)-Junichi
Gallade2512 said:Cladstn_Vampire
I will trade you a lv 100 latios holding a water stone for an Arceus. Please respond. I will trade anything on your want list. (I probably have them all)
Junichi said:Sure, I can do that, let me upload them from my emerald, I'll PM you when I'm on. Thanks!
Gallade2512 said:Cladstn_Vampire~
Thanks. So you are considering my offer after you get more arceus? Pm if you decide. Thanks!!!
Tomb said:I want that Magmortar.. But I don't know if I have any of your wants..I could give you a Riolu?