Discussion Classic: A New Format About Old Cards

You mean to say that those people's old pokemon card collection is worthless? D'oh

In a way. Aside from a handful of rare cards most old Pokemon TCG cards are worth pennies simply because there's no competitive format to play them in.

Should Pokemon print special sets centered around reprinting old cards?

If they want to make money on an older format this would be the wisest choice. But first TPCi would have to actually show interest in supporting old formats.

In MTG, the Modern format is 8th edition onwards.
In Expanded, what do you think would happen if instead of Black and White, it was ex Ruby & Sapphire onwards?

Honestly? Very little would change. Maybe certain older Trainers would see play but the actual power levels of older Pokemon can't compare to stuff printed after BW.
just to let you know youre not the only person who wants a new format in the game, although im fighting for a RS-ON (ruby/sapphire) since i started playing when unseen forces came out
I kind of find it weird, aside from a few very scarce stores that support unlimited play, that cards from Base Set all the way to Call of Legends are illegal in all tournament play. Should there be more support from TPCi for the unlimited format?

What do you think about a Generational format?

A format where, let's say, Base set to Gym Challenge are legal.
A format where Neo Genesis to Skyridge are legal.
A format where ex Ruby and Sapphire to ex Power Keepers are legal.
A format where Diamond and Pearl to Call of Legends are legal.
A format where Black and White to BW Legendary Treasures are legal.
A format where XY to XY evolutions are legal.

I'm feeling like running the format with no bans for a while might be the optimal solution. I'll update the OP in the near future to reflect this.
Imagine a format where a minimum of 10 cards must be from Tier 0. A maximum of 10 cards can be from any set that is Tier X. Only 12 cards may be from Tier 4. Of those 12 cards, 4 of them may be from Tier 5.

The sets are grouped into tiers.

Tier 0 is Sun and Moon, Guardians Rising, Burning Shadows, Shining Legends, and Crimson Invasion.
Tier 1 is Breakpoint, Generations, Fates Collide, Steam Siege, and Evolutions.
Tier 2 is Primal Clash, Double Crisis, Roaring Skies, Ancient Origins, and Breakthrough.
Tier 3 is XY, Flashfire, Furious Fists, and Phantom Forces
Tier 4 is Plasma Storm, Plasma Freeze, Plasma Blast, Legendary Treasures, and Kalos Starter Set
Tier 5 is Next Destinies, Dark Explorers, Dragons Exalted, Dragon Vault, and Boundaries Crossed.
Tier X is Noble Victories and any set older than Noble Victories.

When Ultra Prism is released, Sun and Moon will become Tier 1, Breakpoint will become Tier 2, Primal Clash will become Tier 3, XY will become Tier 4, Plasma Storm will become Tier 5, and Next Destinies will become Tier X. When the set after Ultra Prism is released, Guardians Rising, Fates Collide, Roaring Skies, Flashfire, Plasma Freeze, and Dark Explorers will move up a tier.

Shining Legends will move up a tier along with Burning Shadows.
Generations will move up a tier along with Breakpoint.
Double Crisis will move up a tier along with Primal Clash.
Kalos Starter Set will move up a tier along with Legendary Treasures.
Dragon Vault will move up a tier along with Dragons Exalted.

Don't go thinking that you may jam your deck with the best cards. Each card will have a value assigned to it. Your deck must not exceed the value cap.

It's kind of like set rotation with the added bonus of being able to use older cards.

These are the roster rules for an independent baseball league. What am I saying. Baseball players get better over time, while Pokemon cards don't.
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