Well, here's my team to be for the NA B/W days to come....
Xatu @ Light Clay
<Magic Mirror> {Jolly}
252 SPE, 156 HP, 100 ATK
>> Reflect
>> Light Screen
>> Drill Peck
>> Thunderwave
+Lead Screener / Hazard Bouncer: ^_^
+Tought that speed investment is necessary to ensure screen set-up due to his frail stats.
+Drill Peck for 4x on other popular OU's (Breloom and Heracross).
+It was between confuse ray, thunderwave, and toxic- but most leads (assuming nattorei and sleep-gar becoming/staying popular) are immune to toxic, and confuse ray seems like more of gamble than gain.
+Having him survive the first round is great because if he's alive late game it makes your opponent think twice about setting up hazards later on.
Ninetales @ Leftovers
<Drought> {Timid}
252 SPE, 252 HP, 4 SPA
>> Will-o-Wisp
>> Overheat
>> Solarbeam
>> Safeguard
+The center of the team: leftovers to keep its survivability for switching in high.
+Will-o-Wisp for nice ATK cuts with reflect.
+Overheat to make up for the lack of SPA focus.
+Safeguard to keep Beat up at 6 swings and prevent scary Toxic Stalls.
Shiftry @ Expert Belt
<Chlorophyll> {Adamant}
252 ATK, 252 HP, 4 SPE
>> Beat Up
>> Bullet Seed
>> Brick Break
>> Rock Slide
+Substitute Buster: beat up's been revamped to have its power only involve the user's BASE ATK vs target's BASE DEF-
+Beat Up = Your base ATK / 10 + 5 *STAB *Power Modifier *Weakness/Resistance then hit = # of non-status'd pokemon in the team
$$ DMG Calc = ( {[(2 * ATK/5 + 2) * 100 *[(ATK/10)+5]/DEF] *Power MOD] / 50} +2 )* STAB *Weak/Resist * Random Fraction $$
It Ignores Natures, IVs, and EVs which is pretty interesting. Consider the low HP of Breloom, it can still invoke a flinch from him Sub-punching... assuming he's reckless and, with sub set up, goes for the hit instead of Sporing me.
+Bullet Seed has been upped to 25 per hit now, so the math can yield 100+ power after 3 hits with belt and STAB
+Rock Slide for the Flying and Ulgamoth it may revenge kill.
+Brick Break for the future onslaught of screens and TTars.
Houndoom @ Balloon
<Flash Fire> {Timid}
252 SPE, 156 HP, 100 SPA
>> Nasty Plot
>> Dark Pulse
>> Fire Blast
>> Hidden Power (fighting)
+Primary Setup: Balloon helps rid of the entry issues and popular earthquakes that may be spammed.
+Hidden Power fighting-type because Heatran w/Balloon and TTar will be popular; need to make sure those Plots weren't wasted and get chased out.
Whimsicott @ Sitrus Berry
<Teasing Heart> {Timid}
252 HP, 252 SPE, 4 DEF
>> Leech Seed
>> Swagger
>> Encore
>> Substitute
+Anti-Setup-Soldier / Sub-seeder: maxed speed because the fear of opposing priority 1 attacks from faster pokemon is probable if I don't invest (mach punch, ice shards, vacuum wave).
+Swagger to increase damage potential from pacifism.
+Sitrus Berry to keep up the stunt doubles from said acts of "pacifism" by ensuring when she swaps out, she'll have a decent amount to start with for a second switch in.
+Encore is how she'll setup for the team (locking pokemon in their stat-boosting moves)
Infernape @ Life Orb
<Blaze> {Jolly}
252 ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP
>> Mach Punch
>> Close Combat
>> Flare Blitz
>> Earthquake
+Avenger:Changed to life orb, for the extra multiplier in damage.
+Went to physical build to cover shandera.
Don't really like Charizard so didn't plan for him, though I'm sure solar power is useful.
Love Xatu over Exspeon, plus STAB flying and 0.25x to fighting is nice.
Weaknesses: Raw power dragons not using DD, a team of Stone Edge / Head Smash-ers, a team of Gale / Brave Bird-ers.
Hope you guys can point out more for me!
Xatu @ Light Clay

<Magic Mirror> {Jolly}
252 SPE, 156 HP, 100 ATK
>> Reflect
>> Light Screen
>> Drill Peck
>> Thunderwave
+Lead Screener / Hazard Bouncer: ^_^
+Tought that speed investment is necessary to ensure screen set-up due to his frail stats.
+Drill Peck for 4x on other popular OU's (Breloom and Heracross).
+It was between confuse ray, thunderwave, and toxic- but most leads (assuming nattorei and sleep-gar becoming/staying popular) are immune to toxic, and confuse ray seems like more of gamble than gain.
+Having him survive the first round is great because if he's alive late game it makes your opponent think twice about setting up hazards later on.
Ninetales @ Leftovers

<Drought> {Timid}
252 SPE, 252 HP, 4 SPA
>> Will-o-Wisp
>> Overheat
>> Solarbeam
>> Safeguard
+The center of the team: leftovers to keep its survivability for switching in high.
+Will-o-Wisp for nice ATK cuts with reflect.
+Overheat to make up for the lack of SPA focus.
+Safeguard to keep Beat up at 6 swings and prevent scary Toxic Stalls.
Shiftry @ Expert Belt

<Chlorophyll> {Adamant}
252 ATK, 252 HP, 4 SPE
>> Beat Up
>> Bullet Seed
>> Brick Break
>> Rock Slide
+Substitute Buster: beat up's been revamped to have its power only involve the user's BASE ATK vs target's BASE DEF-
+Beat Up = Your base ATK / 10 + 5 *STAB *Power Modifier *Weakness/Resistance then hit = # of non-status'd pokemon in the team
$$ DMG Calc = ( {[(2 * ATK/5 + 2) * 100 *[(ATK/10)+5]/DEF] *Power MOD] / 50} +2 )* STAB *Weak/Resist * Random Fraction $$
It Ignores Natures, IVs, and EVs which is pretty interesting. Consider the low HP of Breloom, it can still invoke a flinch from him Sub-punching... assuming he's reckless and, with sub set up, goes for the hit instead of Sporing me.
+Bullet Seed has been upped to 25 per hit now, so the math can yield 100+ power after 3 hits with belt and STAB
+Rock Slide for the Flying and Ulgamoth it may revenge kill.
+Brick Break for the future onslaught of screens and TTars.
Houndoom @ Balloon

<Flash Fire> {Timid}
252 SPE, 156 HP, 100 SPA
>> Nasty Plot
>> Dark Pulse
>> Fire Blast
>> Hidden Power (fighting)
+Primary Setup: Balloon helps rid of the entry issues and popular earthquakes that may be spammed.
+Hidden Power fighting-type because Heatran w/Balloon and TTar will be popular; need to make sure those Plots weren't wasted and get chased out.
Whimsicott @ Sitrus Berry

<Teasing Heart> {Timid}
252 HP, 252 SPE, 4 DEF
>> Leech Seed
>> Swagger
>> Encore
>> Substitute
+Anti-Setup-Soldier / Sub-seeder: maxed speed because the fear of opposing priority 1 attacks from faster pokemon is probable if I don't invest (mach punch, ice shards, vacuum wave).
+Swagger to increase damage potential from pacifism.
+Sitrus Berry to keep up the stunt doubles from said acts of "pacifism" by ensuring when she swaps out, she'll have a decent amount to start with for a second switch in.
+Encore is how she'll setup for the team (locking pokemon in their stat-boosting moves)
Infernape @ Life Orb

<Blaze> {Jolly}
252 ATK, 252 SPE, 4 HP
>> Mach Punch
>> Close Combat
>> Flare Blitz
>> Earthquake
+Avenger:Changed to life orb, for the extra multiplier in damage.
+Went to physical build to cover shandera.
Don't really like Charizard so didn't plan for him, though I'm sure solar power is useful.
Love Xatu over Exspeon, plus STAB flying and 0.25x to fighting is nice.
Weaknesses: Raw power dragons not using DD, a team of Stone Edge / Head Smash-ers, a team of Gale / Brave Bird-ers.
Hope you guys can point out more for me!
