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RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack

FYI on the thread it says 175 commons for a arceus pack
And on the thread after the rules it says 225 commons for the pack
But can you cml for about 5 packs?
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack

icman92 said:
FYI on the thread it says 175 commons for a arceus pack
And on the thread after the rules it says 225 commons for the pack
But can you cml for about 5 packs?
it's 175 commons
i'll cyl later

DJ Hype Vibes said:
I can send to Canada if we are doing a bulk trade.
ok cool
richkid50000 said:
have 4 Spiritomb PA want arceus packs. PLease pay no attention that i cant send to canada because i probably can.
you can get 5 packs
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack

Any cards you need from Platnium: Arceus for some packs? And do you have any EX's/Shinings/Star cards?
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack

Rayquaza EX DF
Mudkip* TRR
Ampharos EX DR
Latias EX DF
Golem EX DR
Latios EX DF x2
Suicune EX
Exploud EX CG
Cacturne EX
Flygon EX DF x3

only need spiritomb pa
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack

I have 2x Spirtomb PA. I also have a Expert Belt RH. Do you need any other cards from other sets?
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack

Latias is, but Mudkip isn't
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack. Can try to help cover shipping***

And Latios is mint?
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack. Can try to help cover shipping***

yes .
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack. Can try to help cover shipping***

OK so:

100 Commons
50 Uncommons
2x Spirtomb

3 Arceus packs(Zapdos, Salamence, Grass Arceus)
Latias EX
Latios EX

LMK. =)
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack. Can try to help cover shipping***

You only have enough commons/uncommons ans Spiritomb for 3 packs, EXs you want are $7 each or 250 commons each
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack. Can try to help cover shipping***

OK. How about take off Latios EX & I'll add in 50 more commons in.
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack. Can try to help cover shipping***

add in 150 more and i can do that
RE: Your: 175 commons My: Arceus pack OR Your:Spiritomb My:Arceus pack. Can try to help cover shipping***

I have a lot that I want to get rid of. Any suggestion on how I can send you 175 cards?
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