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Cloak of Zoroark. HELP ME PLEASE!!!


Aspiring Trainer
hi, have been really exited about this dark explorers set and after seeing complete translations even more so. i have put this deck together and think it could become a nice playing deck.

Pokemon: 16
2 Darkrai EX (Dark Explorers)
1 Mewtwo EX (NEX)
4-4 Zoroark (4 zorua + 2 zoroark Dark Explorers & 2 Zoroark B/W)
1-1 Bisharp (NV) (Dark type)
1 Terraikion (NV)
1 Tornadus EX (Dark Explorers)
1 Tornadus (EP)

T/S/S: 30
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Dark Patch
3 Pokemon Collector
2 N
2 Juniper
2 Darkness Claw
2 Pokemon Catcher
4 Junk arm
2 Level Ball
1 Eveolite
1 Exp Share

Energy: 14
5 Dark Energy
4 Special Darkness Energy
2 Prisim Energy

The main idea of the deck is to use zoroark and bisharp in the early game as they can be set up quick and deal big damage with minimal fuss. use darkrai ex for its ability so even if anything gets stuck it only needs one dark energy and then can switch for nothing and spread damage to their bench, allowing bishard to easily come in and hit for 70 right away. Mewtwo ex for mewtwo ex and high energy attacker counter and terrakion for zekells and other darks. As for support level ball can collect bisharp saving communication for zoroark or the elusive ex. darkness claw to boost attcks for the crucial ko on a ex, eveolite to keep darkrai hanging in there. twins for if i get behind and also N to disrupt in late game.
What does dark patch and dark claw do? Then I can see what you may need to get rid of in this deck. This deck needs needs consistency. I would add a PONT or two, some sages or Juniper to get the cards you want faster IMO.
Dark patch adds one dark energy from the dicard pile to one of your benched pokemon. darkness claw increases dark type attacks by 20 to the active pokemon. im going to take out cilan and the switch to add in 2 pont and 2 juniper.
I'd drop two twins and an exp. share to max out on junk arms, and dark patches. I've proxyed a similar deck, and you're gonna want the energy acceleration bad for early game quick hits with Zoroark and Bisharp.
Vause i have tried what u said and more junk arms are better but i didnt think dropping exp share for dark patch was needed as they do the same thing and with junk arms i can pull them back anyway. but i will up the junk arms tho thanks.
Ok, I understand the Terrikion to counter Zekrom EX but you need something to counter Terrikion itself since the rest of your deck is weak to fighting. Add either 2 Tornadus or 2 Tornadus EX, or a combination of the two.
I think at least 2 is necessary since Straight Terrikion always have a way to bring back their Terrikion. This wont give you an insta win (unless you use like 3 Tornadus EX and 2 Tornadus) but could really help your deck against something its an auto-loss to.
-2-2 Zoroark (either one, you pick)
+2 Tornadus (can help move energy to power other pokemon as well)
+2 Tornadus EX
Olimar adding a tornadus or EX would be a good idea but 4 is way to much as it will detract from zoroark attack. i will try to find some room tho for one or two.
Jabber0193 said:
Olimar adding a tornadus or EX would be a good idea but 4 is way to much as it will detract from zoroark attack. i will try to find some room tho for one or two.

I would try 3-4 Tornadus or Tornadus EX because try fighting a Terrikion deck without these and you just lose.
olimar1023 said:
I would try 3-4 Tornadus or Tornadus EX because try fighting a Terrikion deck without these and you just lose.

I have tied with a 2-2 mix of tornadus and its EX insted of the bisharp line and it just powerd down zoroark, i tried with just one of each and it kept zoroark powerd up and still let me fend off fighting better. so i have -1 bisharp line and + 1 of each tornadus. this IMO works well for both ways.
Nitpicking, but unless I'm missing something there are no reasons not named Lost Remover to not max Special Dark energies, and Lost Remover has DCEs and Prisms as well so you're not making it any more likely to be dead by using basic dark.

- 2 Dark Energy
+ 2 Special Dark Energy

Otherwise, I like the build after the Tornadus/EX 1/1 split was added. Good job.
Good spot priestkalim thanks, and nitpicking is what I wanted for this deck so don't worry about it :). When I first posted the deck I thought for darkrai ex's ability it had to be basic dark but then I saw it don't have to be and changed basic dark for special dark but just forgot to update the list XD