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RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Movie Arecus*

Sakura5881 said:
Alright, I will PM you when I am ready, which will be pretty soon.

You mean today?

I can't trade until the 18th (or 19th) 'cuz I don't have wireless internet
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Movie Arecus*

How about MYSTRY Mew for Shiny EV'd Infernape? Its Lv 100 & Timid Nature.

And, if you accept, could you please clone it for me with someone else? I went to this event myself about 2 years ago.
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Movie Arecus*


LMK when you're ready. You don't need to clone it now, I can wait for the cloning. I can trade whenever though.
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Movie Arecus*

Can I have a shiny azlelf for that and something else please?
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Movie Arecus*

Sure, Growlithe and Totodile? :3

But I wont be able to trade until later today.
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Movie Arecus*

Do you still have the Surfing Pikachu? Anyway, what would you like for the shiny Regigigas?
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Shiny Regigigas*

Yes, I do have the surfing pikachu still, I would like a shiny for the Shiny Regigigas.
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Shiny Regigigas*

That might be hard. I have a Shiny Lugia, but it needs to be cloned.
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Shiny Regigigas*

I already have a shiny lugia, but, what nature and level is it?
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Shiny Regigigas*

I have one just like it, I'll give them to you for free. But they need to be cloned first.
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Shiny Regigigas*

Are we set for
My: Shiny Azelf
Your: Shiny Growlithe & Totodile
RE: Sakura's Shiny & Event Shop *Shiny Regigigas*

I need to get the growlithe cloned. Pick one of these: Shiny Piplup, TRU Shaymin, Shiny Ralts, Shiny Torchic, Shiny Treecko, Shiny Bulbasaur, Shiny Spiritomb. And I will get you the growlithe later for free, So can we trade now?
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