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RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Ok, no thanks then.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Go 2 my trade thred
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Part of SP engine,GCX, W: cheap things :)

I have Glaceon X, do you have any of my RH deck wants??
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Part of SP engine,GCX, W: cheap things :)

no, none of those but I do have 2 spare uxies
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Part of SP engine,GCX, W: cheap things :)

Do you have anything from my want list, I feel too lazy to nit pick your list today.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Part of SP engine,GCX, W: cheap things :)

no nothing

Bump 1/3
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Part of SP engine,GCX, W: cheap things :)

2x Manectric PL RH (1x Misprint)
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Ditto LA
1 Ampharos PL (RH)
1 Sunny Shore Gym
2 Electrike PL
1 Raichu GL (rh)
4x Poke drawer + (my dad wants)
and as many Cyrus's Conspiracy(need at least 1x for my bro), and Rare candies (I like these over the Cyrus's Conspiracy) as possiable.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Part of SP engine,GCX, W: cheap things :)

I actually just changed my wants.. How about this:

4 Pokedrawer
+ more depending on what of my wants you have

1 Smeargle UD
1 Ditto LA
2 Energy Exchanger
+ whatever of my wants you have
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

I have Palmer's, CML for more; and what kind of Rare Candies do you have?? I also had these from your former wants:
2x Manectric PL RH (1x Misprint)
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Ditto LA
1 Ampharos PL (RH)
1 Sunny Shore Gym
2 Electrike PL
1 Raichu GL (rh)
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

Actually I got a better offer for the Pokedrawers and I cannot find anything that I really want so thank you for your time :)
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

Can I work something out for 1x Cyrus's Conspiracy, or Xx Rare candies???
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

I am actually going to take the Conspiracies of the list because I am going to using them in a deck, but maybe the rare candies, depending on how good of a deal you give me
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

Oh, I also like your arceus'.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

What of my stuff will it take 2 get your DGX?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

(Head spinning) who didn't see that coming, Uh, I can only trade it as a part of a trade for Uxie X, Luxray X, 3x Regigigas DP40, 2-3x Promocroak, High value card.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

oh, well I couldn't find anything else, thanks for your time :)
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

So you don't have anything from my want list???
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

nothing that I can trade for what I want
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, COME TRADE! H: Scizor PRIME, LOTS of Arceus!! W: Sp stuff

what do you mean "that I can trade"???
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