• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! :)
Bubba235's Trade Thread!


1. I live in the US. You should too.
2. I will try my hardest to send in penny sleeve and toploader. You should too.
3. My cards are usually in Mint-Near Mint condition. Yours should too.
4. After a trade has been finalized, I will not back out. You shouldn't either.
5. My rules say to put HeheHahaHehe in your first post. You should do that.
6. I will have fun. You should too.

Reputation(Unique - 27, Total - 37):

-George2FRESH +4
-Taylor45 +3
-MylesPrower +3
-Crazar +2
-mr.619 +2
-Warrior Weasel 1986 +2
-WeeklyJumpman +1
-Gman +1
-PMJ +1
-Jigglypuff13 +1
-Kenny Schumann +1
-Ardoptres +1
-EspeonROX +1
-Rory +1
-PacMac tL +1
-~Roxasora~ +1
-Lilbandit +1
-TCC Co-Founder +1
-Pokeman +1
-Shining Raikou +1
-TL32 +1
-Dark Jawa +1
-cheetor586 +1
-Collector Don +1
-chanman45 +1
-vilebaseball +1

-KaMewie -1
-Toxic -1

* - Pending

Legends Awakened:

Holo Rare:
#5 Gliscor*


Holo Rare:
#14 Shaymin*

*I also have many Before-DP cards, so ask if you need any*

Platinum: Rising Rivals:

Holo Rare:

#15 Beedrill
#17 Drapion 4
#19 Flareon
#23 Golem 4

#42 Hippowdon 4(x2)
#43 Leafeon
#46 Machamp GL(x2)
#50 Starmie
#54 Whiscash 4

#55 Aerodactyl GL(RH)
#56 Ambipom G
#57 Aron
#58 Carvanha
#60 Flareon 4
#61 Forretress G(RH)
#61 Forretress G
#64 Hippopotas
#65 Houndoom 4(x2)
#67 Kecleon
#69 Munchlax(RH)
#69 Munchlax
#71 Nidoran Female
#72 Nidoran M(x2)
#73 Nidorina(RH)
#74 Nidorino
#75 Nuzleaf
#76 Quagsire GL
#77 Sealeo
#80 Shellos West Sea
#81 Snorlax
#82 Spheal(x2)
#83 Staryu
#84 Trapinch
#85 Turtwig GL
#87 Weezing

#90 Bertha's Warmth
#92 Lucian's Assignment
#93 Pokemon Contest Hall
#96 Team Galactic's Invention G-109 SP Radar
#97 Underground Expedition
#99 Darkness Energy(x2)
#100 Metal Energy(x2)

Super Rare:

Legends Awakened:

Holo Rare:
#5 Gliscor(RH)
#6 Heatran(RH)
#16 Spiritomb(RH)

#20 Bellossom
#23 Delcatty(RH)
#25 DeoxysDefense Forme(x2)
#27 Ditto(x2)
#29 Groudon
#33 Lopunny(x2)
#35 Poliwrath
#36 Regice
#37 Regigigas
#39 Registeel
#40 Shedinja(RH)
#40 Shedinja
#42 Unown !

#47 Camerupt(x2)
#48 Castform
#50 Castform Snow Cloud Form(RH)
#50 Castform Snow Cloud Form
#52 Dragonair(RH)
#52 Dragonair
#54 Exeggutor(x2)
#55 Gliscor
#56 Grumpig(RH)
#56 Grumpig(x2)
#58 Lanturn(x2)
#59 Lanturn
#60 Ledian(x3)
#61 Lucario(x3)
#62 Luxio(x2)
#63 Marowak(RH)
#65 Metang(x2)
#67 Ninjask
#68 Persian
#70 Seadra(RH)
#70 Seadra
#71 Starmie(x2)
#72 Swalot
#73 Swellow(x3)
#75 Tentacruel
#77 Unown R(x3)
#78 Unown U
#79 Unown V(x3)
#80 Unown W(RH)
#80 Unown W
#81 Unown Y
#82 Unown ?

#83 Beldum(RH)
#83 Beldum(x2)
#84 Beldum
#85 Bellsprout(x2)
#86 Buneary(x2)
#88 Chinchou(x3)
#90 Cubone
#91 Dratini(x2)
#92 Drifloon
#93 Exeggcute(x2)
#94 Gligar
#95 Gligar
#96 Gloom
#97 Gloom(x2)
#98 Gulpin(x3)
#99 Hitmonchan
#101 Hitmontop(x4)
#102 Horsea(RH)
#102 Horsea(x2)
#103 Houndour(x2)
#104 Ledyba(x4)
#105 Lileep(x3)
#106 Meowth(x3)
#107 Misdreavus(x3)
#108 Nincada(x2)
#109 Nosepass(RH)
#109 Nosepass
#110 Numel(x3)
#112 Oddish(x2)
#113 Pineco
#114 Poliwag(x3)
#115 Poliwhirl(RH)
#115 Poliwhirl(x2)
#116 Poochyena(x2)
#117 Riolu(x2)
#118 Shinx(x4)
#120 Sneasel
#121 Spoink(x3)
#122 Staryu(x2)
#123 Swinub(x2)
#124 Taillow
#125 Tentacool(x3)
#126 Tyrogue(x2)
#127 Weepinbell(x2)
#128 Yanma(x2)

#129 Bubble Coat
#130 Buck's Training(RH)
#131 Cynthia's Training
#132 Energy Pickup(RH)
#133 Poke Radar
#134 Snowpoint Temple(x2)
#135 Stark Mountain
#136 Technical Machine TS-1(x2)
#137 Technical Machine TS-2(x2)
#138 Claw Fossil(x2)
#139 Root Fossil

Super Rare:

Majestic Dawn:

Holo Rare:
#4 Dialga(x2)
#12 Phione(RH)

#16 Bronzong(RH)
#17 Empoleon(x2)
#21 Hippowdon
#24 Leafeon(RH)
#25 Minun
#28 Plusle
#31 Toxicroak

#35 Ambipom
#36 Fearow(x4)
#37 Grotle(x2)
#38 Kangaskhan(RH)
#38 Kangaskhan(x3)
#39 Lickitung
#40 Manectric
#41 Monferno(x4)
#43 Pachirisu(x3)
#44 Prinplup
#45 Raichu(x3)
#46 Scyther(x2)
#47 Staravia
#48 Sudowoodo(RH)
#48 Sudowoodo
#49 Unown Q

#50 Aipom
#51 Aipom
#52 Bronzor(RH)
#52 Bronzor(x2)
#53 Buneary(x3)
#54 Burmy Sandy Cloak(x3)
#55 Chatot(x3)
#56 Chimchar
#57 Chimchar
#58 Chingling
#59 Combee(RH)
#59 Combee(x2)
#60 Croagunk(x3)
#61 Drifloon(RH)
#61 Drifloon(x3)
#62 Eevee(x3)
#63 Eevee(x3)
#64 Electrike(x2)
#65 Glameow(x2)
#66 Hippopotas(x2)
#67 Kabuto(x2)
#68 Munchlax(x3)
#69 Omanyte(x3)
#70 Pikachu(x4)
#71 Piplup(x3)
#72 Piplup(RH)
#72 Piplup(x2)
#73 Shellos East Sea(x2)
#74 Spearow(RH)
#74 Spearow(x6)
#75 Starly(x4)
#76 Stunky(x2)
#77 Turtwig(x2)
#78 Turtwig(x2)

#80 Dusk Ball(x2)
#81 Energy Restore
#82 Fossil Excavator(RH)
#83 Mom's Kindness(RH)
#83 Mom's Kindness(x2)
#84 Old Amber(RH)
#85 Poke Ball
#86 Quick Ball(x2)
#87 Super Scoop Up(RH)
#87 Super Scoop Up
#89 Dome Fossil(x4)
#90 Energy Search(x3)
#91 Helix Fossil(x2)
#93 Darkness Energy(x2)
#94 Health Energy(x2)
#95 Metal Energy(x2)
#96 Recover Energy(x3)

Super Rare:

Great Encounters:

Holo Rare:

#12 Altaria
#14 Butterfree(x2)
#16 Dialga
#17 Exploud
#18 Houndoom
#19 Hypno(x2)
#22 Latias
#25 Milotic
#26 Palkia
#28 Slowking
#29 Unown H(x2)
#30 Wailord(RH)
#30 Wailord(x2)
#31 Weezing(RH)
#32 Wigglytuff

#33 Arbok(RH)
#33 Arbok
#34 Cacturne
#35 Combusken
#36 Delibird
#37 Floatzel(x4)
#38 Gorebyss(RH)
#38 Gorebyss(x4)
#39 Granbull(RH)
#39 Granbull(x4)
#40 Grovyle
#41 Hariyama(x4)
#42 Huntail
#43 Linoone(x2)
#44 Loudred
#45 Magcargo(x2)
#46 Marshtomp(x2)
#47 Metapod(x2)
#48 Pelipper(x2)
#49 Porygon2
#50 Purugly(RH)
#50 Purugly(x2)
#51 Relicanth(x5)
#52 Seviper(x4)
#53 Skarmory(x3)
#54 Slowbro
#55 Togetic(RH)
#55 Togetic(x2)
#56 Unown F(x2)
#57 Unown G(x2)
#58 Wailmer(x2)
#59 Zangoose(x4)

#60 Baltoy
#61 Buizel(x4)
#62 Cacnea(RH)
#62 Cacnea(x5)
#63 Caterpie(x2)
#64 Clamperl(x3)
#65 Drowzee(x2)
#66 Ekans(x4)
#67 Feebas
#68 Glameow(x6)
#69 Houndour(x3)
#70 Igglybuff(RH)
#70 Igglybuff(x3)
#71 Illumise(RH)
#71 Illumise(x4)
#72 Jigglypuff(x2)
#73 Kakuna(x5)
#74 Koffing(x6)
#75 Krabby(x6)
#76 Lunatone
#77 Luvdisc(x4)
#78 Makuhita(x2)
#79 Mankey(x3)
#80 Mudkip(x4)
#81 Porygon(x3)
#82 Slowpoke(x3)
#83 Slugma(x2)
#84 Snubbull(x4)
#85 Solrock(x5)
#86 Swablu(x2)
#87 Tangela(x4)
#88 Togepi
#89 Torchic(x4)
#90 Treecko(x2)
#91 Unown L(x4)
#92 Volbeat(RH)
#92 Volbeat(x3)
#93 Weedle(x6)
#94 Whismur(x4)
#95 Wingull
#96 Zigzagoon(x3)

#97 Amulet Coin
#98 Felicity's Drawing
#99 Leftovers(x2)
#100 Moonlight Stadium(x3)
#101 Premier Ball(x3)
#102 Rare Candy

Super Rare:

Secret Wonders:

Holo Rare:

#28 Golduck
#33 Mothim

#50 Flaaffy(x2)
#54 Lombre
#56 Muk
#57 Nidorino
#59 Pinsir

#76 Bagon
#80 Burmy Trash Cloak(x2)
#84 Corsola
#86 Duskull
#90 Hoppip
#92 Lotad
#96 Natu(RH)
#107 Shellos West Sea
#111 Spinda

#126 Team Galactic's Mars
#127 Potion
#128 Switch
#129 Darkness Energy

Super Rare:

Mysterious Treasures:

Holo Rare:

#24 Exeggutor
#26 Gyarados
#29 Mantine
#33 Rampardos(RH)
#37 Unown I
#39 Walrein

#42 Chingling
#45 Dewgong
#46 Dodrio(x4)
#50 Golbat
#58 Parasect
#61 Sandslash
#62 Sealeo(x3)
#63 Sheildon(x2)
#65 Unown E
#66 Unown M
#68 Vigoroth

#69 Abra
#70 Aipom
#73 Bidoof
#74 Bronzor(x4)
#75 Buizel
#80 Doduo(x3)
#81 Electrike(x2)
#82 Exeggcute
#84 Geodude
#86 Kricketot(x2)
#88 Magby
#91 Nidoran Female(x2)
#92 Paras
#93 Pichu
#97 Seel
#98 Shinx
#100 Snorunt
#102 Spheal(x7)
#103 Spinarak
#104 Surskit(x2)
#106 Totodile(x2)
#107 Vulpix
#108 Zubat

#111 Fossil Excavator(x2)
#112 Lake Boundary(x2)
#113 Night Maintenance
#114 Quick Ball
#115 Team Galactic's Wager
#116 Armor Fossil(x4)
#118 Multi Energy
#119 Darkness Energy(x2)
#120 Metal Energy(x3)

Super Rare:

Diamond and Pearl:

Holo Rare:
#12 Rhyperior(RH)

#18 Azumarill
#24 Drifblim
#25 Dustox
#32 Medicham(x2)
#34 Noctowl
#36 Purugly

#43 Budew
#44 Cascoon
#45 Cherrim
#48 Elekid(x2)
#49 Grotle
#50 Haunter(x3)
#51 Hippopotas
#52 Luxio(x2)
#53 Machoke
#54 Magneton(x2)
#58 Prinplup
#59 Rapidash(x2)
#60 Rhydon
#62 Seaking
#64 Staravia(x2)
#65 Unown A(x2)
#68 Unown D

#69 Azurill
#70 Bidoof
#71 Bonsly
#72 Buizel(x3)
#75 Cherubi(RH)
#75 Cherubi
#76 Chimchar
#77 Clefairy(x4)
#79 Combee(RH)
#79 Combee
#80 Duskull
#81 Electabuzz(x4)
#82 Gastly(x4)
#84 Goldeen(x2)
#85 Hoothoot(x7)
#86 Machop
#87 Magnemite(x7)
#88 Marill
#89 Meditite(x5)
#90 Mime Jr.(x2)
#91 Misdreavus(x2)
#93 Piplup(x2)
#94 Ponyta(x2)
#95 Rhyhorn(x2)
#96 Roselia(x3)
#97 Seedot(x3)
#100 Sneasel
#101 Starly
#102 Stunky(x2)
#104 Wurmple(x2)

#105 Double Full Heal(x4)
#106 Energy Restore(x3)
#107 Energy Switch(RH)
#108 Night Pokemon Center
#109 Plus Power(RH)
#110 Poke Ball
#111 Pokedex HANDY910is(x3)
#112 Professor Rowan
#113 Rival(x2)
#114 Speed Stadium(x2)
#117 Energy Search(x5)
#118 Potion(x2)
#119 Switch
#124 Fire Energy(x2)
#126 Electric Energy
#127 Psychic Energy(x2)
#129 Dark Energy

Super Rare:
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

Hi there,

I have both the Neo Rev Suicune and Crobat available in 1st Ed. Do you buy?

RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

I'm interested in these:

Beedrill (GE)
Flareon (MD)
Wormadam - Trash Cloak (SW) *43/132*
Floatzel GL (RR)

I have these:

Froslass (LA)
Giratina (LA)
Regigigas (LA) *15/146*
Spiritomb (LA)

even trade???...lmk
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

vilebaseball - YES! I do buy. I really do want those cards, like I have been looking for a lifetime for them. How much would you say? I really don't want to go above $10, but if that is not fair, that's fine. PLEASE get back to me ASAP! I want to make this today! Thanks! =D

qnetykz - Yessir! Umm, just need to ask a few questions.

You live in the US?
The cards are Mint/Near Mint condition?
They are all Holo Foils?
When is it possible to send out for you?
Your Rep(Unique)?

Thanks! =D
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

My LA Giratina and Regigigas for your Floatzel GL.
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

Bubba235 said:
vilebaseball - YES! I do buy. I really do want those cards, like I have been looking for a lifetime for them. How much would you say? I really don't want to go above $10, but if that is not fair, that's fine. PLEASE get back to me ASAP! I want to make this today! Thanks! =D

qnetykz - Yessir! Umm, just need to ask a few questions.

You live in the US?
The cards are Mint/Near Mint condition?
They are all Holo Foils?
When is it possible to send out for you?
Your Rep(Unique)?

Thanks! =D

1. yes
2. yes
3. holo foils??? rare holo/foil or reverse holo/foil, which do you mean?
4. ummm, your rep???
5. mine is in my sig, for easy access
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

qnetykz said:
Bubba235 said:
vilebaseball - YES! I do buy. I really do want those cards, like I have been looking for a lifetime for them. How much would you say? I really don't want to go above $10, but if that is not fair, that's fine. PLEASE get back to me ASAP! I want to make this today! Thanks! =D

qnetykz - Yessir! Umm, just need to ask a few questions.

You live in the US?
The cards are Mint/Near Mint condition?
They are all Holo Foils?
When is it possible to send out for you?
Your Rep(Unique)?

Thanks! =D

1. yes
2. yes
3. holo foils??? rare holo/foil or reverse holo/foil, which do you mean?
4. ummm, your rep???
5. mine is in my sig, for easy access

Bubba has been around forever, just use the search box in the ref sub-forum if you can't find someones easily.


And Bubba, let me know about our trade in my thread, please. We've been posting in both and if we keep at it I'll forget entirely. :p
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

darksoulSP: If qnetykz and I don't make a trade for those, then I will certainly get back to you.

qnetykz: Must be Regular Holo Foil. NO REVERSE HOLO please. And for reputation, vilebaseball pretty much summed that up. I have about 26 unique, 35 total. Well, plus two negitives, but those I can easily explain. They were my fault and I shouldn't have done what I did, but I am COMPLETELY past that now, I PROMISE!

vilebaseball: lol! I am going there right now. =D
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

Bubba235 said:
darksoulSP: If qnetykz and I don't make a trade for those, then I will certainly get back to you.

qnetykz: Must be Regular Holo Foil. NO REVERSE HOLO please. And for reputation, vilebaseball pretty much summed that up. I have about 26 unique, 35 total. Well, plus two negitives, but those I can easily explain. They were my fault and I shouldn't have done what I did, but I am COMPLETELY past that now, I PROMISE!

vilebaseball: lol! I am going there right now. =D

hmmmm....well, ok, we can discuss sending in PM and before we exchange address to confirm the trade
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

hi hi, umm could u do this?
spiritomb la holo
regigigas holo la
drapion 4 rr
floatzel gl rr holo
let me know
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

qnetykz: Sent you a PM

giggran: I would certanly do that, but qnetykz asked first for the Floatzel. But, if my trade with qnetykz doesn't happen, I will be certain to get back to you. =D
RE: Bubba235's Trade Thread!

Sure will!

COMPLETE REVAMP! Now with Rules, Reputation, and ALL Haves from DP-on...well, those that I am willing to sell, which means no Lv.X's on there...yet. =D
RE: Bubba235's NEW Trade Thread! Now with some Rising Rivals!

darksoulSP said:
My LA Giratina and Regigigas for your Floatzel GL.

Alright thanks! Let me know if you are able to trade! :)
RE: Bubba235's COMPLETELY REVAMPED Trade Thread!

Sigh...another bump...=(

*After two finalized trades are completed, I will only have TWO MORE WANTS! I will trade ANYTHING on my list for them!
RE: Bubba235's COMPLETELY REVAMPED Trade Thread!

Bubba235 said:
Sigh...another bump...=(

*After two finalized trades are completed, I will only have TWO MORE WANTS! I will trade ANYTHING on my list for them!

Perhaps your lack of wants are the cause of your lack of posting activity?

Just so you know, I sent your items today.

Thanks again.
RE: Bubba235's COMPLETELY REVAMPED Trade Thread!

lol! Thanks!

And no, that's not why. I have a collection that I have been working on for years, and I am finally down to the last two cards!


I got my cards from vilebaseball and qnetykz, so I only do have two wants left. PLEASE HELP!

Ive got 3 shaymin but i will give you one. I want diamond and pearl #12 Rhyperior(RH)
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