Central Kalos Pokédex: 123
Coastal Kalos Pokédex: 103
Mountain Kalos Pokédex: 110
National Pokédex: 401
Coastal Kalos Pokédex: 103
Mountain Kalos Pokédex: 110
National Pokédex: 401
Friend Code: 1263-6603-7234
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Times Available: Mostly Nights, Sometimes Afternoons (PM to arrange)
-Bulbasaur, Brave (♂)
-Ivysaur, Gentle (♂)
-Venusaur, Rash Japanese (♂)
-Charmander, Lonely (♂)
-Charmeleon, Bashful (♂)
-Squirtle, Adamant (♂)
-Wartortle, Bold (♀)
-Wartortle (Rain Dish), Bold (♂)
-Chespin (Bulletproof), Impish (♂)
-Fennekin, Modest (♂)
-Braixen, Quiet (♂)
-Braixen, Naughty (♀)
-Froakies (Protean), Relaxed, Lonely, Rash (♂)
(Most Imposter, some Limber...but the IVs are correct):
-31 HP, Atk, Def
-31 Atk, SpD, Sp
-31 Def, SpA, Sp
-31 SpA, SpD, Sp
-31 HP, Atk x3
-31 HP, Def x2
-31 HP, SpA
-31 HP, SpD
-31 HP, Sp x3
-31 Atk, Def
-31 Atk, SpA x2
-31 Atk, SpD
-31 Atk, Sp
-31 Def, SpA x3
-31 Def, Sp
-31 SpA, SpD
-31 SpA, Sp x2
-31 SpD, Sp x2
(All Jolly, Inner Focus with egg moves Leech Life, Defog, Brave Bird):
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x5 (x2 ♂, x3 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD x2 (x1 ♂, x1 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, Sp x4 (x1 ♂, x3 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, SpD, Sp x4 (x1 ♂, x3 ♀)
-31 HP, Def, SpD, Sp x4 (♂)
-31 HP, SpA, SpD, Sp (♀)
-31 Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x3 (x2 ♂, x1 ♀)
(All Jolly, Rough Skin unless otherwise noted):
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x2 (x1 Sand Veil, both ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD x4 (x2 ♂, x2 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, Sp (♂)
-31 HP, Atk, SpD, Sp x2 (x1 ♂, x1 ♀)
-31 HP, Def, SpD, Sp x3 (♂)
-31 Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x6 (x1 ♂, x5 ♀)
-Marill (Huge Power), Adamant (♀) with 31 IV in Def, SpA, SpD, Sp
-Dragonair (Marvel Scale), Adamant (♂) and Modest (♀)
-Tyrogue (Vital Spirit), Brave (♂)
-Tyrogue (Guts), Relaxed and Sassy (♂)
-Tyrogue (Steadfast), Docile (♂)
-Larvitar, Lv. 1 Quiet Japanese (♀)
-Bagon, Hardy (♂)
-Gabite (Rough Skin), Jolly (♀)
-Tirtouga, Lonely (♂)
-Sawsbuck (Serene Grace), Docile (♂)
-Fraxure, Hardy Spanish (♂)
-Pancham (Iron Fist), Adamant (♂ and ♀) -- good IVs (inquire)
-Various fossil Pokémon of various natures
Eggs (ready to trade):
-Venonat (x1)
-Magnemite (x2)
-Grimer (x1)
-Pichu (x2)
-Cleffa (x2)
-Igglybuff (x3)
-Chespin (Bulletproof) x4 --> all hatched
-Bulbasaur, Brave (♂)
-Ivysaur, Gentle (♂)
-Venusaur, Rash Japanese (♂)
-Charmander, Lonely (♂)
-Charmeleon, Bashful (♂)
-Squirtle, Adamant (♂)
-Wartortle, Bold (♀)
-Wartortle (Rain Dish), Bold (♂)
-Chespin (Bulletproof), Impish (♂)
-Fennekin, Modest (♂)
-Braixen, Quiet (♂)
-Braixen, Naughty (♀)
-Froakies (Protean), Relaxed, Lonely, Rash (♂)

(Most Imposter, some Limber...but the IVs are correct):
-31 HP, Atk, Def
-31 Atk, SpD, Sp
-31 Def, SpA, Sp
-31 SpA, SpD, Sp
-31 HP, Atk x3
-31 HP, Def x2
-31 HP, SpA
-31 HP, SpD
-31 HP, Sp x3
-31 Atk, Def
-31 Atk, SpA x2
-31 Atk, SpD
-31 Atk, Sp
-31 Def, SpA x3
-31 Def, Sp
-31 SpA, SpD
-31 SpA, Sp x2
-31 SpD, Sp x2

(All Jolly, Inner Focus with egg moves Leech Life, Defog, Brave Bird):
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x5 (x2 ♂, x3 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD x2 (x1 ♂, x1 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, Sp x4 (x1 ♂, x3 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, SpD, Sp x4 (x1 ♂, x3 ♀)
-31 HP, Def, SpD, Sp x4 (♂)
-31 HP, SpA, SpD, Sp (♀)
-31 Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x3 (x2 ♂, x1 ♀)

(All Jolly, Rough Skin unless otherwise noted):
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x2 (x1 Sand Veil, both ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD x4 (x2 ♂, x2 ♀)
-31 HP, Atk, Def, Sp (♂)
-31 HP, Atk, SpD, Sp x2 (x1 ♂, x1 ♀)
-31 HP, Def, SpD, Sp x3 (♂)
-31 Atk, Def, SpD, Sp x6 (x1 ♂, x5 ♀)
-Marill (Huge Power), Adamant (♀) with 31 IV in Def, SpA, SpD, Sp
-Dragonair (Marvel Scale), Adamant (♂) and Modest (♀)
-Tyrogue (Vital Spirit), Brave (♂)
-Tyrogue (Guts), Relaxed and Sassy (♂)
-Tyrogue (Steadfast), Docile (♂)
-Larvitar, Lv. 1 Quiet Japanese (♀)
-Bagon, Hardy (♂)
-Gabite (Rough Skin), Jolly (♀)
-Tirtouga, Lonely (♂)
-Sawsbuck (Serene Grace), Docile (♂)
-Fraxure, Hardy Spanish (♂)
-Pancham (Iron Fist), Adamant (♂ and ♀) -- good IVs (inquire)
-Various fossil Pokémon of various natures
Eggs (ready to trade):
-Venonat (x1)
-Magnemite (x2)
-Grimer (x1)
-Pichu (x2)
-Cleffa (x2)
-Igglybuff (x3)
-Chespin (Bulletproof) x4 --> all hatched
I have 90+ friends, so if there's a specific Pokémon you want available through Friend Safari, let me know and there's a very decent chance I can get it for you.
-Perfect Galvantula
-Evolutionary stones! Especially Moon Stone (x4), Sun Stone (x2), Shiny Stone (x3), Dusk Stone (x3), Dawn Stone (x2)
-Bellossom (or Sun Stone)
-Seel, Dewgong
-Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra
-Elekid, Electivire (or Electirizer)
-Magby, Magmortar (or Magmarizer)
-Eeveelutions (besides Vaporeon)
-Chinchou, Lanturn
-Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff
-Sunflora (or Sun Stone)
-Slowking (or extra King's Rock)
-Gligar, Gliscor
-Scizor (or Metal Coat)
-Mantyke, Mantine
-Wurmple, Silcoon
-Taillow, Swellow
-Gallade (or Dawn Stone)
-Delcatty (or Moon Stone)
-Canea, Cacturne
-Duskull, Dusclops (or Reaper Cloth)
-Sealeo, Walrein
-Clamperl, Huntail (or DeepSeaTooth), Gorebyss (or DeepSeaScale)
-Beldum, Metagross
-Shinx, Luxray
-Roserade (or Shiny Stone)
-Honchkrow (or Dusk Stone)
-Bonsly, Sudowoodo
-Happiny, Blissey
-Rhyperior (or Protector)
-Togekiss (or Shiny Stone)
-Swinub, Mamoswine
-Froslass (or Dawn Stone)
-Rotom (x5)
-Herdier, Stoutland
-Musharna (or Moon Stone)
-Blitzle, Zebstrika
-Tympole, Seismitoad
-Sewaddle, Leavanny
-Lilligant (or Sun Stone)
-Gothita, Gothitelle
-Duosion, Reuniclus
-Vanillish, Vanilluxe
-Klink, Klinklang
-Chandelure (or Dusk Stone)
-Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon
-Heliolisk (or Sun Stone)
-Perfect Galvantula
-Evolutionary stones! Especially Moon Stone (x4), Sun Stone (x2), Shiny Stone (x3), Dusk Stone (x3), Dawn Stone (x2)
-Bellossom (or Sun Stone)
-Seel, Dewgong
-Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra
-Elekid, Electivire (or Electirizer)
-Magby, Magmortar (or Magmarizer)
-Eeveelutions (besides Vaporeon)
-Chinchou, Lanturn
-Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff
-Sunflora (or Sun Stone)
-Slowking (or extra King's Rock)
-Gligar, Gliscor
-Scizor (or Metal Coat)
-Mantyke, Mantine
-Wurmple, Silcoon
-Taillow, Swellow
-Gallade (or Dawn Stone)
-Delcatty (or Moon Stone)
-Canea, Cacturne
-Duskull, Dusclops (or Reaper Cloth)
-Sealeo, Walrein
-Clamperl, Huntail (or DeepSeaTooth), Gorebyss (or DeepSeaScale)
-Beldum, Metagross
-Shinx, Luxray
-Roserade (or Shiny Stone)
-Honchkrow (or Dusk Stone)
-Bonsly, Sudowoodo
-Happiny, Blissey
-Rhyperior (or Protector)
-Togekiss (or Shiny Stone)
-Swinub, Mamoswine
-Froslass (or Dawn Stone)
-Rotom (x5)
-Herdier, Stoutland
-Musharna (or Moon Stone)
-Blitzle, Zebstrika
-Tympole, Seismitoad
-Sewaddle, Leavanny
-Lilligant (or Sun Stone)
-Gothita, Gothitelle
-Duosion, Reuniclus
-Vanillish, Vanilluxe
-Klink, Klinklang
-Chandelure (or Dusk Stone)
-Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon
-Heliolisk (or Sun Stone)
Because many of the Pokémon I'm after just require a simple breed or level up, I value them quite low. Most of the above list are simply there to save me time.