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CMT= Celebi/Mewtwo EX/Tornadus/Tornadus EX

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
4 Celebi Prime
3 Tornadus
3 Tornadus Ex
2 Mewtwo Ex
1 Shaymin Ul
1 Shaymin Ex

4 Skyarrow

4 Juniper
3 N

4 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
3 Switch
3 Catcher
3 Eviolite
1 Super Rod

I recommend Smeargle for the boost it gets, and it has free retreat 90% of the time with the deck.
Another attacker will be excellent against Eels as well. You don't want all of your attackers being OHKOd and then being forced into the Mewtwo war. I recommend Regigigas. :)
Gotta agree with DecaDang. Unless you get an amazing start or knock out the eels before they get set up your gonna have a very tough matchup against a zeels player, especially one who plays a couple Raikou's who will be able to dance around an active mewtwo for a couple turns in order to avoid the Mewtwo war (trust me I know, its one of my favorite strategies against CMT). I think regigigas is a decent option but again if they have a raikou it will eventually become 2 prize cards and unless you also take 2 you may be behind.
I take already one of my tornadus out for a regigigas.
Raikou won`t be so a big problem, because i don`t see any player who plays more than one Raikou.
But maybe there will be a combination of Thunderus/Raikou Ex/Tornadus Ex/Eelektrik and a Mewtwo Ex tech. All of your main attackers have one retreat cost so this means i help my opponent too with Skayarrow bridge.
In a matchup against CMT/Zeels varients both players will be playing SAB most likely so you won't be helping them out anymore than your helping yourself. Also I know of at least a couple people who play with at least 2 Raikou (myself included). My pokemon list is:
4-3 eelektrik
2 thundurus
2 zekrom
2 mewtwo ex
2 raikou ex
1 tornadus ex
1 smeargle
so just be prepared for a matchup like this that can work around what you play
When i play an eel deck i don`t know if zekrom is really needed you can snipe with Raikou and make every turn with Thunderus or tornadus 80-100 damage so i would play something like this but i don`t know if it works:
3 Thunderus
2 Raikou
2 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo
4-3 Eel
Regigigas really isn't too useful in my testing. It requires 4 energy to attack with which is a lot and is kind of clunky. I think 2 tornadus EX may be enough.
After testing i think i need cards like pokegear 3.0 or random receiver. This one Regigigas comes really good so i play with it.
Regigigas helps a lot. Especially VS Durant. It's very nice in a Mewtwo war if you know how to use it well. Definitely use 1 atleast.
I don't want to hijack your thread so I won't get into the zeels deck here but if your looking for something to drop for Random Receiver (better play over pokedex) I would drop either an N, switch, Skyarrow bridge for 1 Random receivers. With zeels being huge and most carrying Skyarrow themselves I would do this:
- 1 Skyarrow

+1 Random receiver

If you want 2 random receivers I'd probably go with a an N next but thats your call.