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cobalion kyreum vileplume deck (needs speed help)


dark pokemon for the win
this deck i made fiddling about with new but well known decks
As well as speed if u can make up a good mane for it.

2 manphy ul
4 kyreum nv
4 oddish ud
3 gloom ud
4 vileplume ud
4 cobalion nv

3 communication bw
3 PONT cl
2 N nv
3 super rod nv
3 eviolite nv
2 rocky helmet nv
3 Cheren ep
2 rare candy ul
2 catcher ep 23

6 wtr {W}
2 special mtl cl {M}
4 mtl {M}
2 dce {C}{C}
2 grs {G}

[/font]the brief strategy to this is to hopefully draw 2 basic on frist 7 one being an oddish on e being any other but hopefully manphy. manphy is a starter to get my energy out so i can get them attached one after another. once ive got vileplume ready im hoping to have a cobalion out so they cant use switches. Kyreum is there for reshi so i can hopefully get a outrage going or knocking out the tepigs and cynidquials before they power up

i really need help with this so plz recommend any thing even better strategies.

changes in posts.
For starters, you only need 3-1-2 Vileplume. 4-1-2 Vileplume if you don't own collectors. Pokemon Collector would help this deck immensely, but I understand if you don't own any. Cleffa works better than mabaphy, but can be donked.I would also drop 2 grass for two water and 2 Basic metal for two special.
I would recommend Electrode Prime. along with a twins engine to speed up a lot.
You dont need super rod/eviolite etc because you are already playing vileplume

-3 eviolite
- 3 super rod
-1 rocky helmet
-2 grass
-2 manphy
- 2 metal
- 1-2-2 vileplume

+ 2 cellfa
+ 4 twins
+ 2-2 electrode prime
+ 2 spc mtl
+ 2 wtr
+ 4 collector

thx for the advice.

- 1 n
+ 1 rare candy
why are you asking for speed help when you don't use collector? plus you use 4-3-4 vileplume which is very unneeded. 3-1-2 is best for vileplume, you should also play atleast 2-2 if not 3-3 electrode and atleast 3-4 twins. don't play manaphy, use a cleffa, takes no energy.
masonandrew said:
why are you asking for speed help when you don't use collector? plus you use 4-3-4 vileplume which is very unneeded. 3-1-2 is best for vileplume, you should also play atleast 2-2 if not 3-3 electrode and atleast 3-4 twins. don't play manaphy, use a cleffa, takes no energy.

read the update before ur post